Welcome back to Safe White Space!
We are taking a short break from PACE reviews to cover a few things that have been on the back burner. The underlying premise of this 4x. series is to document the mental deterioration of Donald Howard, the author of Accelerated Christian Education, and how his un-wellness negatively impacted ACE’s curriculum. This examination will also explain why the PACEs, the educational “tEXtBoOKs” that ACE uses, employ excessive genocide and slavery apologia [Ex. 146], why the schools in the ACE comics are segregated, and why they teach students that demons can physically manifest inside of them, until they fully assimilate. Y’know, like the Borg from Star Trek [Ex. 79, Ex. 80].
This series builds on the mental instability documented in Before the Donald Crows, where I put Donald’s rabidly narcissistic personality on full display. If you missed it, you may enjoy and appreciate the context, but it isn’t totally necessary. Summarized, Donald presented himself to his students and their parents as the most influential and important figure in the Christian world. He went far as to claim that, one day, his dissenters will read about his glorious works in an amended version of the Bible. When they do, they’ll lament that they “MISSED OUT” on what God Donald was doing in their era:
This series is going to be largely focused on Donald’s 1988 manifesto, World Awakening. In it, he makes the case that, by using the previously mentioned “system of infinite truth,” to observe those “patterns of infinite reality” [Ex. 181], he can “predict the future,” and determine when Jesus will return. The date he set was “on or around the year AD 2000,” [Ex. 62]
One of those “patterns of infinite reality,” concern the upsetting of “God’s natural order of things.” [Ex. 141 (it’s even worse in context)]. The primary data points, those heralding the end of all things, were the successes of the Civil Rights movement in the 50s and 60s. Because of this dynamic, it’ll be a good time to demonstrate that Donald’s primary motivation for creating Accelerated Christian Education wasn’t to provide “superior Christian educagtion,”[sic][Ex. 100], but to combat desegregation by creating a safe white space.
Fun fact, to this day, ACE conventions and school regulations still prohibit black hair, with the exception of 1-inch afros [Ex. 17].
So! Today we’re going to run through all of Donald’s race-based data-points that prove the end is nigh, and establish my claim that ACE was started as a vehicle for white flight. If you don’t know what white flight is, stick around. This post will set us up for Part 2, where we get all the delusional, hallucinatory indicators of the Apocalypse. At the bottom, below the Matthew 18:6 Scripture verse, there are four extra Exhibits that didn’t make it into the flow of the main post, but are worth looking at. In the last one, he lays out his plan for creating a Christian America to enact all the slavery he was such a fan of.
All that said, MILD TRIGGER WARNING, as racism this obnoxious will get the blood pumping.
Let’s start by getting Donald’s premise for writing World Awakening. All of his manifestos start with a prologue titled PERSPECTIVE, which gives anything but. It’s awfully cringe, too, because Donald wrote them himself, but in third person. He wanted to give the impression of someone else introducing his work. Just pathetic:
Exhibit 187
[*Continued on the next page*]
“. . . in the last days . . . I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. . .”
Acts 2:17…
It is to this growing, positive influence of Acts 2:17 that this book addresses little known facts from history and contemporary times. Many of these facts were gleaned from this author’s travels of more than ten times around the world, and from visits repeated over a decade to more than 75 countries of the world— with the growing conviction that God is now intervening in history for one final, colossal time leading up to the Apocalypse of our Lord.
World Awakening, page 9, 10
I’m telling ya, it’s gonna be a fun one.
Since we are specifically confronting his racism in this series, I want to make it clear that he was, in no way, some good-natured traveler who cared about people in other countries. This is how the first three pages of his very first manifesto greet the reader:
**I’ll post full page pictures of this Exhibit in the Index of 4x. Exhibits. I’ve pulled the more important bits for time’s sake**
Exhibit 188
The United States of America was born with the greatest explosion of freedom engraved on the pages of human history…
Socialism, regulatory agencies, and complete government regimentation is a normal and accepted way of life in most foreign countries. The culture has succumbed to humanism as seen in their complete lifestyle, their literature, entertainment, almost valueless currency, bureaucratic controls, attitudes of irresponsibility, lack of initiative, unconcern for needs and rights of others, spirit of lawlessness, etc. Should you travel to foreign countries, you will see the lack of freedom being paralleled by the lack of character among the people…
The character of most nations can be seen in the lack of cleanliness in homes and businesses, poor quality of service and workmanship, dents in most of the automobiles on the streets, lack of repair and maintenance on equipment and facilities, impromptness of schedules, untruthfulness, etc. Most of the nations’ money has been inflated beyond reason…
Characteristic of these societies is always the very, very rich and the very, very poor with almost complete absence of any middle class.
If a people are moral and basically good, they will be guided from within and can be self-ruled by law. If they are not basically good within, they cannot be self-governed by law but must be governed by men from without…
Proverbs 14:34, Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” Righteousness so strengthened colonial nations that they have risen to international prominence…
An irresponsible and weak charactered people need an authority or strength from without to replace the inner strength which they lack. Just as a self-disciplined child earns the privilege of self-rule and just as an irresponsible adult earns the confines of a jail with total external controls, so a nation, a body of individuals themselves, determine the type of government under which they will ultimately live. People get the kind of government they deserve.
To Save a Nation, page 1, 2, 3
This energy is not universal. Slaves get the government they deserve (“God’s natural order”), but if Christians are oppressed, it’s the work of Satan to “thwart the plan of God.”
This next Exhibit is this very same propaganda appearing in the PACEs. Check out the specific language that is used; another demonstration that Donald authored the PACEs. This comes from an 8 page conversation in an English PACE between the comic strip characters. I’m preparing a full post of this conversation, because the whole thing is unhinged Christian Nationalist propaganda, and I’ll post the picture of it there.
**Shout out to a fellow former ACE student, ArtisticK67 (again), for providing me the pictures. God Bless that guy.**
Exhibit 189
Mr. Lovejoy: Here’s the point. People will be either ruled by Biblical absolutes from their hearts, requiring less government, or be ruled by humanistic laws enforced by powerful government authority. The degree to which people allow God to rule them determines how far to the right they are on the spectrum… But remember, Alexander Hamilton said, “A people get the kind of government they deserve.” Government is a reflection of the quality and character of the people over which it rules. In a free society, a humanistic people will elect a humanistic government. Humanists run for office on exaggerated promises of what they will give to people. Conservatives run for office on responsibilities they hold out to people which must be maintained. A “gimme” generation votes for liberals, not realizing it means more laws, taxes, and controls instead of handouts and benefits.
Reginald Upright: But on the other hand, a charactered people will elect conservative statesmen who appeal to responsibility. A more responsible people require fewer laws to control them, for they have God’s laws within that control them.
Mr. Lovejoy: That’s true,and that’s why we need Biblical education. You have a good perspective of the principle left and right, Reginald. You can probably write your essay without any difficulty.
Reginald: Thanks for explaining the difference between a humanistic and theistic government, and thanks for helping me understand about God’s absolutes and what He is doing in the world today.
9th grade English PACE
That’s just slavery apologia. The line, “In a free society, a humanistic people will elect a humanistic government,” is full-on mask-off authoritarianism. The only way to stop that dynamic is by taking away freedom. I swear, let a stupid bigot talk long enough and they’ll out themselves every time.
Here, Donald made the case that only Christians are equal in the eyes of God, which is why our Founding Fathers were justified in counting blacks as 3/5ths human:
Exhibit 190
The Great Awakening had a tremendous influence on the history of this country and birth of America. The essence of that revival message related to a personal salvation experience with Jesus Christ. Once people had that salvation experience, they were made equal in the sight of God. That fact influenced the political thinking of the nation’s leaders in regard to the republican (as opposed to democratic) form of government and the individual worth of man.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 8
Holy racism! No “all men are CREATED equal” vibes, huh?
If you don’t believe yet that this is slavery apologia advocacy, check this pigshit out:
Exhibit 191
The basic life’s principles of Humanism[sic] prepares an individual for slavery. Socialism, welfarism, and statism are essential to the humanist. He must have controls from without in that he has no divine source from within from which to draw (Romans 8:1-14). Slavery is an answer to the need a humanist has as a direct result of rejecting willful subordination to God. Rebellion against God eventually results in slavery. If man is not ruled by law from within, he must be ruled by man from without. When man looks to God in willful submission, God, in turn to the degree that man looks to Him, transfers inner power that results in self-discipline for the individual and self-government as a community or nation of such people…
The other source of power working death is Satan. Satan can and does work through humanistic bureaucrats to propogate[sic] humanism to the next generation and the other nations of the world…. Rebellion against God produced slavery.
To Save a Nation, page 134, 135
That is an insane person. I want it to go on the record pointing out that this was published in 1976. Which means that as early as six years after beginning ACE, this man was experiencing these intense delusions. Recall how Satan has the whole world trapped by his “Timeless Mind,” and how he can see “infinite patterns of reality,” which let him “reason like a God.”
Anyway. Because of the above Exhibits, the few times he says “slavery = bad,” (it’s like, three times in five manifestos…) I just roll my eyes at his attempt to say the right thing. Especially in this case - notice what is bad about slavery, and who he blames:
Exhibit 192
The Great Awakening prepared the American colonies for the establishment of a new “nation under God,” with its representative government, system of checks and balances, individual liberty, and free enterprise— all fruits of a Theistic culture…
The Industrial Revolution had begun and was having a major impact on immigration. This time great masses flooded into the young, free country where opportunity abounded.
As America’s riches and its citizens’ material wealth increased, the nation grew cold in it’s spiritual commitment. Thus blinded, the country grew callous and permitted slavery as a means to prosper America’s economy. But slavery also divided the country. President Abraham Lincoln called on the nation to fast, pray, and seek after God. Nevertheless, a great civil war shook America.
World Awakening, page 56, 57
He blamed immigrants, and his gripe with slavery is that it divides the country. It’s just a tactical error, in his mind.
Suuuper Christ-like.
Moving on. Here’s Donald explaining the formula he used to “predict the future”:
Exhibit 193
To understand what God is doing we must have a reasonable understanding of history. By seeing how God worked in the past, we can often interpret what He is doing now. Since His principles do not change, we can chart trends and predict the future with a relative degree of accuracy. The key concepts we must understand are:
Significant events.
When we study these facts of history, as well as contemporary facts and information, and gather and compare Scriptural principles with current international information and historical trends, the Holy Spirit guides us into truth and gives us an “understanding of the times,” allowing us to see the reality of “end time” events….
Don’t “miss out” on what GOD IS DOING!
World Awakening, page 14, 15
If you say it the same way, one more time, I’ll probably get it…
And yes, when he “air quotes” “miss out” here, he’s quoting himself. This happens a lot.
The progenitor of these“significant events,” and “trends,” that he supposedly observed were specifically centered around Civil Rights. Surprise, surprise. If we didn’t get Brown v. the Board of Education (1954)1 the Civil Rights Act of 19642, the Voting Rights Act of 19653, and, the final straw, the Fair Housing Act of 19684, there would probably be no ACE, and Donald would not have lost his mind in this tragic and beautiful way.
The next few pages of World Awakening are filled with a typical-of-Donald string of non-sequiturs, all whining about 1968 and how black people are ruining the “culture.” The next few Exhibits are what stood out:
Exhibit 194
In the confusing collision of old and new, a “counter culture” was created. It mocked the old values (the continuity of history and tradition) and took a conceited focus on it’s own desires, needs, and wants…
FEBRUARY— Three black students are killed when disturbances erupt as the students try to desegregate a South Carolina bowling alley. Black rage was the theme of Eldridge Cleaver’s new book, Soul On Ice.
World Awakening, page 18
These students weren’t killed, they were straight up murdered by white police, along with ANOTHER 28 WOUNDED [1,2]. It was called the Orangburg Massacre. Those “disturbances” were police firing into crowds of unarmed kids. Imagine if the racial roles were reversed? Would these students have been “killed”? Which begs the question, what “continuity of history and tradition” is there to go back to, that doesn’t come with violently enforced segregation, stoning homosexuals, and subjugating women? What tradition are we talking about, and why leave it so open ended?
“Toot toot!!” goes the dogwhistle!
He continued:
Exhibit 195
APRIL— Rampant violence occurs. Martin Luther King is assassinated; racial riots break out in several cities, including the nation’s capital (where federal troops are called up). Federal troops are also sent to Chicago to stop racial violence.
JUNE — An unbelieving country is notified that Robert Kennedy (the second leader in two months and the second Kennedy) is assassinated. Overseas, the same day, violent Arab protests take place in Israeli-occupied territory.
October — More traditions and perceptions are smashed as the summer Olympic games in Mexico are marred by an estimated 300 to 500 student and civilian casualties after soldiers open fire on a crowd of some 10,000. The other graphic reminder of the games is the picture of two black American athletes with upraised clenched fist in the “black power” salute.
World Awakening, page 18, 19, 20
Literally, the murder of ~400 people is a “graphic reminder” synonymous with this image of Olympians Tommie Smith, and John Carlos:
A massacre…
Hwy-pepo freaked out, and these athletes were kicked out of the Olympics. Can’t raise a fist, can’t take a knee. Can’t protest in any meaningful way, without a racist screaming in dismay.
Or something like that.
Brief context for this upcoming Exhibit. Brown v. Board of Education was passed in 1954, in which “the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,” legally ending racial segregation in public schools and overruling the “separate but equal” principle set forth in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1889.” [3] Additionally, mandatory Bible-reading and prayer was removed from schools in 1962 [4, 5], not prior to 1954.
In this next Exhibit, 1954 is only on his mind because that was the first time his safe white space was seriously threatened:
Exhibit 196
Following World War II, by judicial review, the Bible was removed from government schools. By 1954 church attendance had peaked and started to decline as Americans turned toward “the good life.” Humanist writers and leaders had boasted that they would rewrite the textbooks and bring about cultural changes.
Culture, by 1968, had become degenerate. The late Christian theologian-philosopher Dr. Francis Schaeffer remarked, “It drags the ground.”
Christians perceived 1968 as the absolute bottom of their culture and it drove them to desperation.
World Awakening, page 58
When people say “the Bible was removed from public schools,” they are lying! It was merely made optional, granting religious freedom to students and teachers. “WAAAHHH!!” goes the fascist.
I also love this projection. “Humanist writers.. boasted that they would rewrite the textbooks and bring about cultural changes,” no buddy, that is exactly what you did. At the end of every manifesto is an ad-pivot, praising Accelerated Christian Education. In them, he explains that he has rewritten education into “Christian American” propaganda, all to bring about a “cultural change.” What a loser.
With that in mind, this explanation for why Donald Howard started Accelerated Christian Education is very damning:
Exhibit 197
The growing evil influences of the late 60’s culture were beginning to have an effect even in Christian homes. More and more parents decided it would be best to separate their children from the world and worldly influences. It was this cultural climate that actually set the stage for an effective Christian school movement.
In September 1970 I rented three rooms in the Miller Road Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, and set up a pilot school for what was to become Accelerated Christian Education. From that one local school (where we refined, tested, and developed the system), we began to grow…
The Christian school movement began to really grow as parents and pastors saw it as a means of providing quality education in an environment that separated youngsters from the world and it’s influences.
World Awakening, page 184, 185
Let’s talk white flight baby! Here are two articles that explain it more in-depth, I’m going to give you the summary. [6, 7]
When people say white flight, there are two things they might be referring to. One is the general exodus of white folks from urban centers and big cities as minorities moved in. The more integrated the city became, the more white people moved out to the suburbs. This is generally attributed to a period that began around the end of WW2, and it continued into the 2000s.
The second thing people mean, and what I mean when I say, “white flight,” is specifically referring to the intentional efforts of the Christian School Movement and Moral Majority figures (et al.) to defund public schools and flee what they saw as an upsetting of “God’s natural order of things.” Not everyone who left public schools, or left these urban centers, did so for explicitly racist reasons. That would be unfair to say. What is true and fair, is that the progenitors of this particular type of white flight, like Donald Howard, Bill Gothard, and Jerry Falwell, were entirely aware of this dynamic, and exploited the hell out of it.
I found a newspaper that quotes Donald proudly proclaiming his effort to defund public schools:
Exhibit 198
The Oshkosh Northwestern, Feb 27, 1982 ·Page 4
Public educators “fear and criticize” ACE on the basis of the education being so poor that it qualifies as child abuse, and for intentionally defunding public schools. Further, by impoverishing schools at the same time that black students finally gained admissions, allowed them to drive misleading narratives that imply exactly what you think.
Like this:
Exhibit 199
**Continued next page**
If it were a local school district, region or even a state, corrective measures could be taken. However, it is national and obviously inherent in cultural patterns.. the significance cannot be overemphasized and is obviously more symptoms of a dying culture…
The obvious conclusion is that humanistic government education cannot provide the perpetuity of values required by Christian Americanism and the framers of our free enterprise system.
High school diplomas are meaningless to business attempting to standardize hiring policies. Social promotion required in most districts by regulations is producing functional illiterates in mass…
Keep in mind that these trends are not only symptoms of a dying culture but are the symptoms nearest the cause. Our children are tomorrow’s leaders. If the academic decay of this decade continues to accelerate in the second half in proportion to the first half, how long will it take to decline into illiteracy and slavery?
To Save a Nation, page 113, 114, 115
445 divided by 478 is a drop of 9.3%, not 13%, so you, Donald, failed the math.
His consistent use of the word “culture,” when discussing “education,” betrays the point he’s actually trying to make. Also the phrase “social promotion,” is just the 60s/70s/80s version of today’s DEI narrative.
In researching for this Exhibit I found this article on Best Colleges about the history of the SATs:
From the beginning, the SAT claimed to be a meritocratic assessment. And from the beginning, students of color, low-income students, immigrants, and other historically excluded groups scored lower on the exam.
Men like Brigham [creator of the SAT] concluded from the test scores that Black and Latino/a students were innately less intelligent. But the SAT was designed and modified so that white students scored higher.
For example, for years the SAT included an analogy question that asked test-takers to identify "oarsman: regatta" as the correct answer to "runner: marathon." White students answered correctly at a higher rate than students of color — not because of innate knowledge, but because they were more likely to know the word "regatta."
Whites were more likely to know “regatta,” not because of innate intelligence, but due to the prior educational opportunities available to them. The SAT was created in bad-faith by racist clowns, which allowed folks like Donald to create false panic and fascist propaganda regarding the intelligence of minorities.
Super cool.
//Edit 10/17/24: Brad’s comment below added some valuable context that I missed, “not just prior educational opportunities, but social opportunities as well (which, in a way, is also educational, I'll grant that). whites, for the most part in this country, have always had better access to social currency and opportunities. this includes... sailing and recreational water activities, like at their segregated schools and country clubs. they probably knew what regatta was long before going to school because their parents were schmoozing at the local "members only."
Messages and comments like these help me keep these posts up to a standard I can stand by, and help me recognize my blindspots. I appreciate them every time. If you see something wrong or inappropriate in my writing, please tell me, and I will address it in good-faith.//
We’re going to wrap up this post with two more (1968 specific) racially based data points of Donald’s. These data points fall under the category of ‘Wars and Rumors of Wars’:
Exhibit 200
Righteousness is not always welcomed, as evidence by problems in some Latin American and African countries. Certain political crises and “bloodletting” in some countries may be effects of Awakening. This spiritual activity does not promote violence, but violence is often incited when people who are not spiritual are inadvertently affected by rapid change. Those who are not spiritual may have ideas for their own kind of political changes. Violence, resistance, and military coups might even be reactions to or results of spiritual change, or by-products of political change.
World Awakening, page 81, 82
I just hate this seesaw bullshit. Go back to threatening Humanists with slavery. It’s less gaslight-y.
This energy is consistent throughout:
Exhibit 201
South Africa
Great churches have sprung up all over the country—all multi-racial and eager to win souls and establish new Christian schools. Hundreds of new churches have opened during the past decade under the leadership of Ray MaCauley of Johannesburg…
Hatred and discord are easy to stir up anywhere. Communists, working through the African National Congress, focus only on the problems of apartheid. The world’s press concentrates on this single aspect of South African life. Because the media concentrates on the negative aspects of the nation’s past and present, it misses the greatest news event ever: Africa’s—
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Almost none (which is being generous) much less “all” churches were “multiracial” IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA!
Yea, yea, South African whites, famous for their opposition to racism… Fun fact, World Awakening was written in 1988, four years before a referendum was passed to end segregation in SA, and six years before South African blacks would vote in their first election.
SIX. (6).
It’s much more likely that none of these churches were mutli-racial, than all.
Exhibit 202
Hatred and discord are easy to stir up anywhere. Communists, working through the African National Congress, focus only on the problems of apartheid. The world’s press concentrates on this single aspect of South African life. Because the media concentrates on the negative aspects of the nation’s past and present, it misses the greatest news event ever: Africa’s—
World Awakening, page 126
‘Africa has white people to thank for their “first Great Awakening,” so shut up about apartheid! Why is the world press focusing on “this single [biggest, most heinous] aspect of South African life?”’
Neat stuff.
All of these racial data points compelled Donald to begin asking the real questions:
Exhibit 203
In December of that same year [*1986*], my family went to the mountains of Colorado for holidays and a brief vacation. During this period I spent time in research and reflection to answer these questions:
How will the Third Great Awakening affect the rest of the world?
What effect will the Third Great Awakening have on the twenty-first century?
After a week of research I began to ask, “Will there even be a twenty-first century?”
World Awakening, page 63, 64
Honestly, knowing how poorly researched the PACEs are, one “week of research” is probably a record for Donald. In Part 2 we’ll get a definitive yes to this question, as well as a hodge podge of disturbing, yet hilarious data points which caw to all “impending doom!”
Below the Scripture verse, there are another four Exhibits that further support the material above, they just didn’t fit into the flow of the post. The last one contains Donald’s plan to achieve a Christian America, and it’s extremely unsettling.
Thank you all for reading!
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
In the next Exhibit, he positively quotes George Wallace. THAT George Wallace. Mr. “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Wallace personally, physically blocked black students from entering the University of Alabama to enroll:
Exhibit 204
George Wallace said, “The federal government must get out of the education business if freedom is to survive in America.” Why? Because a totalitarian school can create a totalitarian state in just one generation. How long does it take?
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 120, 121
Uhuh - and what is that “education business” the government is engaged in at the time? Bussing, as a vehicle for desegregation.
Donald reeeally hated bussing:
Exhibit 205
The truth is, money for education is best spent by parents (through local school boards or private schools). But instead, most of the money goes to bureaucracy.
For example, school bussing was a nationally imposed political maneuver that cost Americans $200 million to transport 114,000 grade school children out of their own communities to other communities to achieve racial balance.
Teen Turmoil, page 72
A “nationally imposed political maneuver,” hmmm?
This Exhibit appeared in 3b. Abortions! Buy One, Get One Free:
Exhibit 103b
The 1960’s and 1970’s were years when just about anyone could (and everyone did!) demand some kind of “rights.” Some were just and noble causes; others were frivolous. Some even set dangerous precedents.
Yet, a Biblical principle implies that we cannot have rights without equal levels or responsibility. Without the influence of Biblical morality, and traditional values, minority rights were demanded (and given) at the cost of majority rights.
Teen Turmoil, page 50
Just… wild.
Last one. Here, Donald laid out his step-by-step plan to create a Christian Nation in one generation, using education. I do interrupt this Exhibit to translate some things, and I’ve cut the more repetitive or benign bullet points for time. If you want the full list I can send or post a picture:
Exhibit 206
From the early 1970’s, into the middle of the decade, the Christian school movement became organized and interrelated with its objectives defined. The effects of the first 10 years of growth and the history of other revivals indicate what we can expect over the first 30 years or the first generation of the Reform.
A higher percentage of Christian youth turning from institutions to Christian Higher Education [**Essentially, ACE is going to funnel**]
A higher level of character in enrolling students,
More Christian youth entering fields of Christian service [**Includes politics**]
B. The second phase of impact comes during the second 10 years of progress: 1980’s…
Church schools increase in number in each community (parallel or exceed government schools)
Increased number of young adults of character influence local community standards, morals, business ethics, voting political climate and philosophy, etc.
Church influence in elections, screening candidates, endorsement sought, etc.
Conservatism in every area of society reappears in force,
Culture begins to undergo distinct change, [**remember that “culture” is desegregation**]
Definite curbs on government spending, waste, etc.
C. The third phase comes during the third 10 year period…
Voice of church strongest in community,
Church-school products owning business, setting new standards in economics, a return to quality in sales and services.
Church school products running for public offic, most capable, assuming leadership [**OMG Yes he just called his students “products.”**]
Conservative control and charactered leadership in government.
Cultural change: increase quality in entertainment, literature standards, public dress codes, nutrition,
Stiffer penalties for crime, return to capital punishment of evil doers,
Prohibition restored, liquor stores and bars reduced or closed, reduction in insurance rates, and state and local expenses for crime,
And thousands more: Symptoms of reform
How do you determine all the changes in phase 3? By identifying all the area of humanistic change in the 1970’s, and simply reverse them.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 226, 227
“In this milestone decision, the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case.” https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/brown-v-board-of-education
“Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.” https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/civil-rights-center/statutes/civil-rights-act-of-1964
“This act was signed into law on August 6, 1965, by President Lyndon Johnson. It outlawed the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many southern states after the Civil War, including literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting.” https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/voting-rights-act
“42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing, such as landlords and real estate companies as well as other entities, such as municipalities, banks or other lending institutions and homeowners insurance companies whose discriminatory practices make housing unavailable to persons because of: race or color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability.”
somehow, i missed this post. but maybe that was a good thing because it pissed me off to no end now that i just read it. edit: reminds me of another racist Donald currently using the bible and religion for his own purposes!
you said: "Whites were more likely to know “regatta,” not because of innate intelligence, but due to the prior educational opportunities available to them."
not just prior educational opportunities, but social opportunities as well (which, in a way, is also educational, i'll grant that). whites, for the most part in this country, have always had better access to social currency and opportunities. this includes... sailing and recreational water activities, like at their segregated schools and country clubs. they probably knew what regatta was long before going to school because their parents were schmoozing at the local "members only".
and what happened when blacks had social and economic currency? see Seneca Village (which became Central Park, NYC) and the Tulsa Race Massacre that destroyed "Black Wall Street"...