Heyo, this post is going to include every Exhibit from the 1.x Introduction series, without my commentary. I will link to this page for your reference when prior Exhibits are used in future posts.
Exhibit 1
Is it an oversimplification to state that the entire welfare program is unscriptural and contrary to God’s laws? The person who concludes that “Christian socialism” was practiced in Acts 6 should read and note that giving for social purposes in the Bible was always voluntary on the part of the giver and not regulated by an agency or the government.
To Save a Nation, page 37
Exhibit 2
After the Flood, God instituted human government. In the ninth chapter of the book of Genesis, God instituted capital punishment for the crime of murder:
"And surely the blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man. At the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (Genesis 9:5-6)
God authorized human government, in His Name, to have the power of life and death. If a man took the life of another, God demanded that the murderer's life be forfeited to the state. God-ordained government is to act as a restraint on selfishness and to regulate man's societal interactions when it is necessary.
Collectivism, PACE 113, Page 15
Exhibit 3
The substance of Truth, Ideals, Perfection, and Absolutes is on the RIGHT. The Left is the furthest extreme from that basic element. Evil in Scripture does not have a substance; it is a departure from that substance or an absence of that good. Righteousness is an absolute expressing God's character, measuring the mark of deity. Sin is to "miss the mark." "Thou shalt not kill" is an absolute. Hegel said, "There are no absolutes." He was over on the Left.
World Awakening, Page 80
Exhibit 4
World Awakening, Page 80
Exhibit 118
Exhibit 5
Humanists will not stop until all prayer or religious acts are banned universally from all "public" places.
The definitions of public place is even under scrutiny.
A private company, Touley Engineering and Manufacturing Co., was sued for holding employee prayer sessions in the plant.
The owner, a Christian, explained that no one was being forced to pray. Employees were simply asked to attend-on company time, at company expense.
But U.S. District Judge Earle Carroll banned the mandatory employee prayer sessions." Judge Carroll's ruling was made in Phoenix, but he extended it to cover even a Florida branch of the company. The judge negated plant owner J.O. Townley's "rights" (of determination by private property owners) in the pursuit of "wrongs" of non-religious critics.
Actually, no one's rights were being violated. But, some may ask, what about the right of the employee to worship as he pleases?
He was not told to worship; there was no attempt to get him to violate the law or his own conscience. He as only asked to attend, and he was paid for his physical presence. The employee had a "right" to withhold attention, reverence, or worship.
It is simply another example of legal intrusion and the loss of rights through judicial interpretation.
Such social changes and the trend away from God toward decadence seem to have an agenda all their own. Educators, judges, and philosophers are aggressively seeking these social changes. Never mind that many see them as detrimental to our youth, families, local and national interests, and-as evidenced by the "perilous times" in which we live-to the detriment of mankind. The HUMANIST REVOLUTION traded prayer for violence. It's difficult to trade Theism for Humanism and come out ahead. There must be some way to get prayer back into the schools!
Teen Turmoil - Page 114, 115
Exhibit 6
The Third Bloc is confused. U. S. newspaper reporters visit countries like Chile whose government had the character to jail the Communists6 and attempt to end the communization of Latin America. What happens? The reporters visit the jailed anarchists and print only their "human rights" smokescreen. But anarchists forfeit their rights7. The question in the mind of Chile's new pro-western and anti-communist President, Augusto Pinochet Ugarte is "On whose side is the U.S.?
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 58
Exhibit 7
humanism is the basic antichristian doctrine and philosophy. Its basic premise is: “there is no God!”
Communism is the political expression of Humanism.
Evolution is the scientific expression of this irreligious faith.
Relativism is the expression of Humanism in law, economics and education.
Satanism, drugs, witchcraft, the occult, and sinful worldliness are the expression of it in Religion.
Immorality, abortion, AIDS, suicide, violence, crime, and divorce express Humanism in society and culture..
..Humanism seeks to dethrone God. We are in the final stages of preparation for the ultimate confrontation. The collision between the two forces -God and Antichrist- is inevitable.
Teen Turmoil page 179
Exhibit 8
The Hope of Our Republic
During the fall of 1964, I sat late one night in the office with one of my seminary professors, Dr James Bellis, with our academic feet propped up, solving all the world’s problems. That night we concluded that “it would take at least 10,000 Christian schools in our nation and a completely Christian curriculum just to begin to turn the country around.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 270
Exhibit 9
Recognize what God is doing today.
“He came unto His own and His own received him not”; they flat missed out, because they did not recognize what God was doing in their day. And you can miss out also. RECOGNIZE what God is doing.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 305
Exhibit 10
I’m not going to live in an age where more Christian curriculum is published and shipped across America in just one year than the first 70 years of this century and not recognize it. I’m not going to live in an age like that and not recognize what God is doing. Do you realize that just ACE materials alone, now there are other publishers printing Christian materials, but A.C.E. alone, published and shipped 5 million PACE’s, tons and tons of curriculum in the last twelve to thirteen weeks?
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 306
Exhibit 11
If you can’t be happy serving the Lord today, if you can’t keep from criticizing, and be loyal, if you can’t thank God for the privilege of serving Him today and be victorious today, you couldn’t be happy and loyal serving God in any age, at any time! And if you don’t recognize that privilege that is ours in this age, in this decade that God is intervening, if you don’t recognize that God is doing something great you will miss out on history. And I will tell you what will happen. The day will come when, with an unsteady hand you will take an old book from the shelf, and you will wipe the dust from its covers and with a faltering step you will inch your way to an old rocking chair. You’ll painfully lower yourself and with a clumsy, arthritic finger, you will thumb your way through that old book. With dimmed eyes you’ll read of a Christian education reform of the 1980’s and 1990’s. You will read of a great rebirth movement of fundamentalism and you will read about the pilgrims of the 1900’s. And with a broken voice you will confess, "Hey, I was there, I was part of it, and I didn’t even recognize it.” You’ll miss out on history.
Recognize what God is doing today. Recognize it. “His own received him not.” They were there and they saw, but they did not recognize it.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 308, 309
Exhibit 12
35. Loyal
Confirming my commitment to a person or cause in time of adversity.
John 15:13
"greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 13
48. Respectful
A feeling of deep respect and honor mixed with wonder, awe, and love for the person that God is using in my life to produce the character of Christ in me
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
"And we beseech you brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you.; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be of peace among yourselves."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 14
53. Submissive
An inward attitude (meek) that yields to the power, control, and authority, of another; obedient (the action of submissiveness).
Hebrews 13:17
"Obey them that have rules over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 15
15. Deferent
Controlling my privileges and preferences in order not to offend those God has called me to serve (putting their wishes or opinions before mine).
1 Corinthians 10:33
"Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 16
From 1969 and on through the 1970’s, the philosophy of humanism is emerging paramount. Did you ever use the “Scholastic News Citizen”? It is used by hundreds of children in all grades over America. The March 19, 1973 issue for 5th graders (ten-year-olds) has a cover picture of a little girl with an afro-hair style wearing a peace symbol and holding up a clenched fist. She is smiling and under the picture it says, “Have you got rights?..”
To Save a Nation, page 105
Exhibit 17
No braided or spiked hair styles. For boys with curly hair or afros, the cut needs to be short, not to exceed one inch in length.
Exhibit 18
21. Efficient
Preparing myself and environment so that I will accomplish the greatest productivity
Ephesians 5:16
"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 19
3. Available
Scheduling my priorities to fit the desires of others
Matthew 9:9
"And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he [Jesus] saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him."
Rebirth of Our Nation, Appendix C (Also various PACE’s)
Exhibit 20a
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:3
Exhibit 20b
Exhibit 21
Exhibit 22:
"Is socialism and welfare unscriptural? From twenty years of experience it is safe to say that it perpetuates non-productivity, it destroys initiative, and it destroys self-respect. These are the obvious effects and an economic impass is the results. But to avoid only being pragmatic, here is the principle: Genesis declares that man is to earn bread by the sweat of his brow, not by another man's (Genesis 3:19)
To Save a Nation, page 37
Exhibit 23:
Exhibit 24
Exhibit 25
Exhibit 26
I heard a preacher preaching one day who quoted Archie Bunker. Now I wouldn’t know Archie Bunker if he walked down the aisle. There is one thing I do know about Archie Bunker; he is an Egyptian and he is not going to teach my children! That is why I built a Christian school.
Rebirth of Our Nation, page 246
Exhibit 27
What it will take TO SAVE A NATION is an open confrontation between Biblical theism and secular humanism, a confrontation in a private prayer closet which will move out into the streets in public.
To Save a Nation, page 180
Exhibit 28
“Get back to the simplicity of the Word of God.”
World Awakening, page 100, 101
Exhibit 29
In chapter 17 of II Chronicles, it says, “. . . he (Jehoshaphat) walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Ba-al-im.” In verse 4, “But sought to the Lord . . . and walked in his commandments.” Verse 6, “And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the Lord: . . . he took away the high places and groves out of Judah,” that is, all the false religion. He took out all the false cults. He ran off all the liberals off and really cleaned up the nation.
To Save a Nation, page 163