This series is a deep dive on Donald Howard’s flagrant homophobia and stochastic terrorism. If this is your first time reading through these, take it slow if you’re sensitive to this stuff. The Exhibits get progressively more aggressive, unfortunately.
Exhibit 30
Students in the class had interviewed an alcoholic, a drug addict, and had seen an X-rated movie…
…This is not an isolated case; it is an illustration of a trend in high schools and junior high schools all over America. You ask, “Oh, you mean they are bringing criminals into the classrooms?” Mother and Dad, they are bringing all kinds of drug, dope, and narcotic addicts, witches, and homosexuals.
To Save a Nation, page 98
Exhibit 31
Association took homosexuality off the list of mental illness.
To Save a Nation, 109, 110
Exhibit 32
Pastors are now marrying gay couples, and homosexuals are organized for purposes of lobbying for their cause. In Pennsylvania in 1972, the State Supreme Court upheld the ruling that a homosexual had the right to be certified to teach. The ruling stated that as long as his practice did not interfere with his teaching they could not refuse his certification. Do you want a homosexual teaching your children? This is an illustration of humanistic thinking.
Have you ever wondered how Sodom and Gomorrah fell? Maybe it went this way. Maybe they tolerated a philosophy of humanism and became extremely permissive. Maybe they tolerated indecencies in the name of affluency, and because of a growing apathy they permitted the disease of humanism and philosophies of evolution to infiltrate the education processes, and then in the name of academic freedom they permitted perversion and the slow but progressive degeneration of the next generation.
To Save a Nation, page 110
Exhibit 33
There are surely other problems as well as a photograph and an article in the Globe & Mail (10/3/87) illustrate. The photo shows a long-haired young male teacher, sitting with a cigarette in hand. The article says, “He is trying not to think about the future.” Then the newspaper goes on to report that the teacher and his administration have been involved in a cover-up of the fact that he has AIDS.
The fact of his homosexuality is only casually mentioned, as if it has no bearing on his qualifications to teach.
Teen Turmoil, page 65
Exhibit 34
Suicide, violence, drug use, homosexuality, permissive sex, teen pregnancy and abortion, and dozens of other serious “sicknesses” of society are given to our kids in school as “alternative lifestyle choices.”
It’s true. Our children are sick. And it’s our schools that are making them that way!
…children are taught how to become sexually active, denounce parental authority, learn Marxist political doctrine, approve of illegal drugs, and learn to justify immoral and anti-social behavior through relative values and situational ethics.
Teen Turmoil, page 76
Teen Turmoil, page 80
Exhibit 36
Anti-pornography laws were loosened across America. Smut exploded; so did prostitution and homosexuality. Times Square and Hollywood Boulevard were no longer tourist attractions for the mainstream. They became cluttered, as did districts in thousands of other towns in America, with sleazy smut stores, adult theaters, porn shops, massage parlors, and prostitutes. These hardcore perversions attracted drug addicts, criminals, and teenage runaways. Youngsters sold themselves as prostitutes, some as young as ten.
Humanism has introduced this cultural death and destruction while giving birth to its own religion. And among all the grim statistics, government school children are Humanism’s greatest victims.
Teen Turmoil, page 88, 89
Exhibit 37
AIDS is not just the result of dirty needles or mass social ignorance. It is the consequence of willful, cultural disregard for God and the determined violation of His Word.
It was the initial finding that AIDS was a disease of homosexuals and drug users that reinforced the idea of some that AIDS might be a judgement from GOD on those whose immoral behavior mocked Him.
Teen Turmoil, page 129
Exhibit 38
The Centers for Disease Control and Public Health Services emphasize that homosexual men and intravenous drug addicts are still the population of highest risk. Some 70%-80% of AIDS cases are from homosexual men.
Teen Turmoil, page 135
Exhibit 39
From a “universe” of 1 to 1.5 million who have been infected with the AIDS virus, the CDC reported for 1988 a cumulative 56,000 cases of AIDS disease, with over half of those representing the cumulative death so far.
The “universe” is about half the known homosexual population of 2.5 million, although the CDC estimates another 5-10 million more (bisexuals) will have some homosexual contact, which could put the number of AIDS cases at staggering proportions in less than five years, since homosexuals are the primary carriers and distributors of AIDS.
Teen Turmoil, page 136
Exhibit 40
It is almost as if AIDS is the embodiment of evil, exposing its evil source and resources — primarily to the guilty of the “Sex Revolution”.
AIDS is truly a plague of the millennium; and it simply illustrates the great Biblical principle:
“The wages of sin is death.”
World Awakening, page 50
Exhibit 41
This plague is the greatest evidence that God is intervening, for it is a work of righteousness that only God could perform.
The sexual idolaters experienced judgement on sins they had committed earlier; the judgement was there even before AIDS was discovered. God is right on time.
World Awakening, page 51, 52
Exhibit 42
The events of the past few years show that more than a few evangelical and fundamentalist leaders have been caught up in the sexual idolatry of the world. Some were more widely publicized by the media than others, but they all reflect the reality of the problem:
—One of the leaders of a great ministry in America was brought down after he was discovered using pornographic films at the ministry headquarters and being sexually involved with several staff women.
—The son of a famous preacher, himself a young pastor with a great Midwestern church, had sexual affairs concurrently with three women from his congregation. He even had intimate relations in church offices during Sunday school hour with one of the women (a deacon’s wife) and then went out to preach. He was later caught, and his career and family ruined.
—The leader of a nationwide TV ministry was nearly destroyed when the public learned of his sexual sin with a church secretary.
—Less than a year later, another great TV preacher was humbled when he was discovered with a prostitute.
—The head of one of the most effective evangelical ministries and inspiring Christian authors resigned after his adulterous affair was revealed.
—A Christian musician for a large national radio ministry was fired when it was learned that he was a practicing homosexual.
At least 23 prominent leaders have fallen in the last 24 months.
World Awakening, page 52, 53
Exhibit 116
Reporter Times, Nov 15, 1984
Exhibit 43
People express that it may be understandable and appropriate justice for the guilty to acquire AIDS, but why do the innocent suffer if the AIDS plague is God’s judgement for sex sin?
The young and the innocent have always suffered whenever a generation who is responsible commits sin. When a drunk drives his pick-up the wrong way on an expressway and hits a bus filled with church youth and kills 27— or when another drunk runs a light and smashes another car, innocent people are often maimed and killed. To say God is responsible for AIDS is like saying the U.S. Department of Transportation is responsible for the 50,000 highway deaths every year.
No! The government writes the law, but the drivers break the rules.
World Awakening, page 50, 51
Exhibit 44
Teen Turmoil, page 129
Exhibit 45
The disease could conceivably wipe out the entire homosexual population before A.D. 2000. Is this a curse, or just man having his way… and then God having His way?
The question as to whether AIDS is a judgement from God on the homosexual community and drug addicts is a moot point.
Teen Turmoil, page 136
Exhibit 46
Without God’s intervention and divine protection, AIDS could have the same devastating effect on the civilized world as did the plagues of the Dark Ages and other periods. In 1350, half the population of Europe was killed by bubonic plague, “the Black Death”.
There is absolutely no question that AIDS will have a monumental effect on the entire civilized world and will forever alter the course of human history.
If, that is, enough humans survive.
Teen Turmoil, page 142
Exhibit 47
The hard questions are already being asked: “Who will care for them?” and “What about children with AIDS in schools?”
Communities have already erupted in violence on the latter issue. One Florida family received bomb threats, and later their home was gutted in a suspicious fire. The family left town. Even then, new protests from angry parents were encountered at the new school.
The children now attend class with an escort provided by sheriff’s deputies.
It would be easy to criticize those people who oppose letting AIDS victims attend public schools. However, most are parents and they are not acting out of angry ignorance, but out of concern for their own youngsters.
Teen Turmoil, page 133
Exhibit 48
AIDS is not just the result of dirty needles or mass social ignorance. It is the consequence of a culture’s willful disregard for God and the determined violation of His Word.
AIDS is not a judgement in the sense of God reaching down with a symbolic club to selectively destroy those who disobey Him. Rather, AIDS is the natural consequence when men violate eternal Biblical principles (Gal 6:7-8).
Crisis in Education: Public Education a Disaster.. but There’s a New Hope For Parents, page 101
Exhibit 49
Exhibit 50
Teen Turmoil, page 130
Exhibit 51
Homosexuality has increased significantly in the past 20 years. In the wake of the sex revolution, homosexual “cruising” involves hundreds of sexual contacts among promiscuous “gays”.
Teen Turmoil, page 128
Exhibit 52
The surgeon general in 1988 mailed out packages of information, at huge expense to taxpayers, to “inform” Americans that what Christians call immorality is “risky”.
The Humanist perception is to deal with such problems with more “education” as if AIDS will somehow go away if more people are informed. For example, two pamphlets were passed out to a mixed eighth grade class in Azalea Garden Middle School in Norfolk, Virginia. The pamphlets encouraged the 13 and 14-year-olds to “practice safer sex,” adding that such sex can be sensuous, fun, even creative! (Listed as a resource for information about “safer sex” was the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.)
Teen Turmoil, page 133
Exhibit 53
Ignorance also plays a part in teenage AIDS cases. In a study funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, experts reported a mixed response. While 93% of the 11,000 eight and tenth graders knew that AIDS is transmitted by sexual activity, half of those surveyed didn’t understand the risk—they erroneously felt that washing after sex reduced one’s chances of being infected.
Besides, as one writer pointed out, people don’t use condoms for kissing, referring to the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta that “there is a risk of infecting others by. . . intimate kissing.”
Teen Turmoil, page 134
Exhibit 54
In another situation, a Christian speaker told of a young married male acquaintance who had casually flirted with a good-looking woman while attending an out-of-town convention. He got caught in the trap of his first experience of infidelity. The next morning when he awoke, the young woman had already gone. On the mirror, written in lipstick, was a crude message: “Welcome to the world of AIDS.”
Teen Turmoil, page 135
Exhibit 55
But the panic will go far beyond the pandemic of death. No community or family will be safe. The costs of care for AIDS patients will be staggering.
One researcher says the actual medical expense, based on an average 167-day hospital stay of AIDS patients before they die, is $147,000 for each patient.
Teen Turmoil, page 136, 138
Exhibit 56
We have been intimidated against speaking out or acting on moral issues. We hesitate to call homosexuality a sin or to call abortion murder.
In black Africa, AIDS is also described as the product of Western decadence, a disease of the white man’s “first world”. Yet the World Health Organization reported that 50,000 AIDS cases had occurred in Africa, far more than reported by the African nations themselves.
In Europe, African blacks are discriminated against because the AIDS virus was first discovered in Africans and Haitians.
What all this points to, according to some sociologists, is widespread prejudice and conflict between different countries and cultures. Probably the most obvious “target” in all countries will be homosexuals. They may become casualties of violence and prejudice worldwide. (Already, polls indicate that an increased number of Americans—53%—feel there should be restrictions on homosexual behavior.)
Teen Turmoil, page 138, 139
Exhibit 57
Teen Turmoil, page 137