In the last post, Donald told a fabricated anecdote to claim that “homosexuals,” are the greatest threat facing school children. He further claimed that permitting their “sin” could lead to the destruction of the entire country.
*I want to address that I forgot to include some discussion about whether or not Sodom and Gomorrah fell because of homosexuality. Instead, I will incorporate this information in a soon-to-be post. The long and short of it is, no. After digging into this, it’s laughably stupid to blame homosexuality for the destruction of S & G.
This is your trigger warning
As stated in the last post, each installment in this series is going to get more vicious. In this post, he’s going to present “documentary proof” that lesbians are recruiting children in schools and grooming them for that ever elusive “gay agenda.” If you were a bigot and read the following Exhibits, the take away would be clear. ‘Homosexuals are pedophiles that are organized, and actively plotting to subvert and corrupt your children for sexual abuse.’
Despite being debunked 1000 times, this rhetoric has a growing body count.
But, what are we gonna do? Give up?
Fuck that.
*notice how throughout these Exhibits he creates this weak correlation between “Humanist” education (public schools) and this ‘homosexuals = pedophiles’ narrative. The subtext behind all of these Exhibits goes something like ‘Public schools will whore your children out → but mine won’t.’ Everything Donald wrote was in service of driving readers to buy Accelerated Christian Education products, to include starting a school (ACE operates much like a franchise).
In this Exhibit, Donald goes from crying about “10,000 Marxist professors” to “other problems”:
Exhibit 33
There are surely other problems as well as a photograph and an article in the Globe & Mail (10/3/87) illustrate. The photo shows a long-haired young male teacher, sitting with a cigarette in hand. The article says, “He is trying not to think about the future.” Then the newspaper goes on to report that the teacher and his administration have been involved in a cover-up of the fact that he has AIDS.
The fact of his homosexuality is only casually mentioned, as if it has no bearing on his qualifications to teach.
Teen Turmoil, page 65
Look, a vapid pig claiming someone else doesn’t have the qualifications to teach. (Check out this post if you want more context for what I mean by “vapid”).
In this next Exhibit, this narrative trend continues:
Exhibit 34
Suicide, violence, drug use, homosexuality, permissive sex, teen pregnancy and abortion, and dozens of other serious “sicknesses” of society are given to our kids in school as “alternative lifestyle choices.”
It’s true. Our children are sick. And it’s our schools that are making them that way!
…children are taught how to become sexually active, denounce parental authority, learn Marxist political doctrine, approve of illegal drugs, and learn to justify immoral and anti-social behavior through relative values and situational ethics.
Teen Turmoil, page 76
This dude claimed that “Thou Shalt Not Kill” was an Absolute, and in the same book, praised Augusto Pinochet for making sure the “anarchists forfeit their rights.” “Human Rights” is a “smokescreen” if it means turning the godless liberals from their wicked ways. These projections of “relative values and situational ethics” are just confessions.
Notice too - “alternative lifestyle choices.” A key talking point in my 12th grade sociology class (at ACE) was that “there is no gay gene,” supposedly proving “gay” is a choice.
Bigots rely on this “choice” factor. They cling to Psalm 139:14, “for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” to make the case that God wouldn’t create the LGBT+ community. If God made homosexuality a sin, and made people gay, than He’s just cruel. Obviously they must be making a choice to rebel against God. This internally absolves the bigot of their choice to be a piece of shit. This is how they sleep at night.
The prior Exhibits lays the ground work for what comes next:
Exhibit 35
Teen Turmoil, page 80
And there it is. They’re recruiting your “youngsters” to the “homosexual lifestyle” as early as the fourth grade. Just pigshit.
Describing the lesbian “counselor” in quotations is not one of his typical, angry rant induced errors - that’s the *stomp stomp* *wink wink* dogwhistle. Donald wanted the point to be very clear that this specific counselor is grooming these children into homosexuality.
This lady had a name. Dr. Virginia Uribe was the founder of Project 10. She was a high school teacher, and a school counselor that spent her life fighting for equality. Tons of LGBT+ organizations can directly trace their origins to Project 10. Donald didn’t specifically name her or the school she worked at, but in reading any article written at the time, you’d know in an instant where to find this woman.
That is, at least, M-F during school hours. By pressing this panic button, Donald increased the potential for school children to be in actual harm’s way.
To summarize Project 10’s founding and it’s purpose, here are two LA Times articles.
“It was in recognition of the special problems facing gay teen-agers that Virginia Uribe organized a program called Project 10. Uribe, a teacher and counselor at Fairfax High School, started the program in 1984 because, she said, schools were not doing enough to stop the harassment of homosexual students or to keep them in school despite it.”
“I’m sorry there’s an opposition,” Uribe said, “because, as part of a public school system, I feel that our commitment to equality extends to all children, including our lesbian and gay children.”
Donald had access to tons of well-sourced material that annihilated Kennedy’s “proof” before ever publishing Teen Turmoil. There is no excuse for putting out this information beyond trying to create the potential for vigilante violence.
He went out of his way to call this woman a child abuser in the most cowardly way possible. Cowardly in the sense that, if you legitimately thought this woman was a Ghislaine Maxwell, you’d have an absolute moral responsibility to expose her as such to the authorities and/or the public. If that doesn’t work, you either decide that you were wrong, or you double down with violence and remove that evil from the earth.
Instead, Donald skipped the legal step1, and he didn’t have the balls to name and shame this person when he has “documentary proof” of them grooming children. Spineless.
A lot of this ‘public schools are making your kids gay’ rhetoric was originally peddled by this Dr. James Kennedy. You can get a feel for this guy in these SPLC articles [1, 2] on him and his ministry:
In an especially nasty 1989 edition of a newsletter, Kennedy ran photographs of children along with the tagline, 'Sex With Children? Homosexuals Say Yes!'
Dr. Kennedy is just another of Donald’s friends on the SPLC hatewatch list. He has no actual authority on any subject.
A few posts from now we are going to explore Donald’s cadre of cunts. He was friends and colleagues with the worst of humanity. We’ve touched on a few, like David Gibbs, Mel Tari, and Dr. Kennedy, but the list gets so much worse. Guys like Bill Gothard, Tim Lahaye, David Barton, R. J. Rushdoony, Frances Schaeffer, and more. Almost all are/were Christian Reconstructionists who believe the politicide of liberals and the liquidation of “homosexuals” would expedite the second coming of Christ..
Fun stuff.
For over 60 years, this ‘pedo’ narrative has been profitably peddled by stochastic terrorists. Despite being thoroughly debunked, there is still a growing body count. This time honored bigotry lives on today through Steven Crowder, Tim [Stool], Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, [Fucker] Carlson, Fox News, Joe Rogan, et al.
Spit when you say their names.
Unfortunately, when profit is the only justification needed to produce any product, or express any behavior, so this is what we get. “Competition” is driving this right-wing disinformation space to assign increasingly ridiculous and dangerous labels to already marginalized and vulnerable groups (consider how they claim anyone crossing the southern boarder is likely a terrorist/rapist, etc). As an avid supporter of free speech, these pricks have made me reconsider what I’d define as screaming “fire” in a crowded theater. At what point does labeling a specific group of people pedophiles cross from "‘muh fers amenmen wights!” to straight up stochastic terrorism?
When you have pigs murdering people for their immutable aspects, all because the Fucker Carlson types spread incendiary disinformation - how do you protect yourself?2 If your government won’t protect you from this behavior, when and how do you act in self-defense? At what point do you use the 2nd Amendment to protect yourself from the 1st? How many hate crimes have to be committed before we take a step back and amend free speech to reflect modern technology and the well-established causality between hate crimes and reactionary rhetoric?
Exhibits 33 - 35 put the next Exhibit in it’s proper context.
“Humanism” and “homosexuals” have introduced a surge of groomer activity. The advent of “youngster” prostitutes is the result:
Exhibit 36
Anti-pornography laws were loosened across America. Smut exploded; so did prostitution and homosexuality. Times Square and Hollywood Boulevard were no longer tourist attractions for the mainstream. They became cluttered, as did districts in thousands of other towns in America, with sleazy smut stores, adult theaters, porn shops, massage parlors, and prostitutes. These hardcore perversions attracted drug addicts, criminals, and teenage runaways. Youngsters sold themselves as prostitutes, some as young as ten.
Humanism has introduced this cultural death and destruction while giving birth to its own religion. And among all the grim statistics, government school children are Humanism’s greatest victims.
Teen Turmoil, page 88, 89
‘Make Times Square and Hollywood White Again!’ said the author of Accelerated Christian Education.
Just another reiteration of “homosexuals” and “Humanism” victimizing children. Splendid.
Thanks for reading. This one is for all you libtards, godless-commies, soy-boys, beta-cucks, muff-munchers, theys and thems - I think you’re fucking great (is there a pun in that?):
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psalm 139:14
He has long eroded his audience’s trust in the court system. We’re gonna circle back to this in the future, but Exhibit 5 is a good example.
1 → HRC article: “FBI’s Annual Crime Report — Amid State of Emergency, Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes Hit Staggering Record Highs”
2 → one of thousands of video examples
3 → active US hate crime stats with an interactive map
4 → SPLC Hate Watch - a great resource for getting a good overview of organizations like D. James Kennedy Ministries, news outlets like Stormfront, and various pigs like Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes.
as a self identifying godless commie and muff muncher who was also raised in an ACE school, thank you for exposing DH for the fuckwad he was