If this is your first read, you probably want to go back to 2a. Addicts, Witches, and Those Dang Ole Gays! It will put this post and those to come in their proper context.
In the last post, the author of Accelerated Christian Education escalated from comparing “homosexuals” to murderers, to presenting “documentary proof” that homosexuals are outright pedophiles (he didn’t). In this post, Donald Howard will go a step further and explain that AIDS is God’s judgement on the homosexual community. In taking this route, Donald intentionally attributed all of the negative impacts of AIDS to “the wages of [homosexual] sin.”
Know that what backdrops these Exhibits is paragraph after paragraph of the ways and means that AIDS [homosexuality] is going to destroy your children, your country, and the world. Typically, these will come in the form of cherry-picked stats with a fear-based interpretation. I’ll include some specific examples of this in the next post. This one would be way too long if we tackled both of these topics today.
This that there trigger warning. The following Exhibits contain flagrant homophobia.
First, let’s establish just how much effort went into making “homosexual” synonymous with “AIDS”:
Exhibit 37
AIDS is not just the result of dirty needles or mass social ignorance. It is the consequence of willful, cultural disregard for God and the determined violation of His Word.
It was the initial finding that AIDS was a disease of homosexuals and drug users that reinforced the idea of some that AIDS might be a judgement from GOD on those whose immoral behavior mocked Him.
Teen Turmoil, page 129
“reinforced the idea of some” is just his way of admitting the idea has been reinforced in him. That way it’s okay for his audience to draw this same conclusion.
In this next Exhibit, he almost tells the truth, which is the best we can ever expect from this Christian educator:
Exhibit 38
The Centers for Disease Control and Public Health Services emphasize that homosexual men and intravenous drug addicts are still the population of highest risk. Some 70%-80% of AIDS cases are from homosexual men.
Teen Turmoil, page 135
Reliable statistics1 coming from the 1980-1990 range include IV drug users in that 70-80%, so he’s padding these stats a bit. He’s trying to make it seem like that remaining 20-30% is comprised of drug users, while apportioning an extra 7-17% of AIDS cases to homosexuals.
A few paragraphs later, he asserts that 100% of AIDS cases come from homosexuals:
*for the record, I have no idea why he puts quotations around “universe”
Exhibit 39
From a “universe” of 1 to 1.5 million who have been infected with the AIDS virus, the CDC reported for 1988 a cumulative 56,000 cases of AIDS disease, with over half of those representing the cumulative death so far.
The “universe” is about half the known homosexual population of 2.5 million, although the CDC estimates another 5-10 million more (bisexuals) will have some homosexual contact, which could put the number of AIDS cases at staggering proportions in less than five years, since homosexuals are the primary carriers and distributors of AIDS.
Teen Turmoil, page 136
Those numbers don’t make any sense to me, either. They’re not suppose to. This is a little boy trying to impress the adults at the dinner table. If you were an ACE kid that felt stupid when learning how to do word problems, don’t sweat it. Donald wrote your word problems. I promise, it’s not you, it’s him.
Now that “AIDS” is properly synonymous with “homosexual,” let’s find out how AIDS fits into God’s plan:
Exhibit 40
It is almost as if AIDS is the embodiment of evil, exposing its evil source and resources — primarily to the guilty of the “Sex Revolution”.
AIDS is truly a plague of the millennium; and it simply illustrates the great Biblical principle:
“The wages of sin is death.”
World Awakening, page 50
Fun fact: Donald was caught cheating on his wife prior to writing Teen Turmoil and World Awakening. Donald was among “the guilty of the “Sex Revolution”.” This “wages of sin is death” energy does not extend to his own indiscretions, nor to those of his friends. Hell, it doesn’t even apply to sexually abusive pastors. Just the gays.
Here he declares that the incubation period of AIDS is God’s way of arriving “right on time”:
Exhibit 41
This plague is the greatest evidence that God is intervening, for it is a work of righteousness that only God could perform.
The sexual idolaters experienced judgement on sins they had committed earlier; the judgement was there even before AIDS was discovered. God is right on time.
World Awakening, page 51, 52
Do you think Donald would describe AIDS this way if it disproportionately targeted promiscuous pastors? Would God still be “right on time” if He struck Donald with a brutal, incurable disease?
Doubt it. Notice how different the tone becomes when discussing Christian sexual idolatry:
Exhibit 42
The events of the past few years show that more than a few evangelical and fundamentalist leaders have been caught up in the sexual idolatry of the world. Some were more widely publicized by the media than others, but they all reflect the reality of the problem:
—One of the leaders of a great ministry in America was brought down after he was discovered using pornographic films at the ministry headquarters and being sexually involved with several staff women.
—The son of a famous preacher, himself a young pastor with a great Midwestern church, had sexual affairs concurrently with three women from his congregation. He even had intimate relations in church offices during Sunday school hour with one of the women (a deacon’s wife) and then went out to preach. He was later caught, and his career and family ruined.
—The leader of a nationwide TV ministry was nearly destroyed when the public learned of his sexual sin with a church secretary.
—Less than a year later, another great TV preacher was humbled when he was discovered with a prostitute.
—The head of one of the most effective evangelical ministries and inspiring Christian authors resigned after his adulterous affair was revealed.
—A Christian musician for a large national radio ministry was fired when it was learned that he was a practicing homosexual.
At least 23 prominent leaders have fallen in the last 24 months.
World Awakening, page 52, 53
“Evangelical and fundamentalist leaders” get “caught up” in the world’s sexual idolatry. “Prominent leaders have fallen” as if they are the victim. Christian’s merely get “humbled,” “fired,” “brought down,” or resign because of their sin. None of them contract AIDS. The wages of their sin isn’t death.
(Edit 7/17/2024: I had a hard time tracking down the original article that Jenna Scaramanga quotes in this post about Donald Howard’s sexual sins. She also covers some of the sickos in Donald’s circle of friends)
Lucky for Donald that God spared him AIDS:
Exhibit 116
Reporter Times, Nov 15, 1984
I am still tracking down the court case, I don’t know how “young” “young” is.
End Edit
But what about the heteros who do contract AIDS?
They’re collateral damage of homosexual sin:
Exhibit 43
People express that it may be understandable and appropriate justice for the guilty to acquire AIDS, but why do the innocent suffer if the AIDS plague is God’s judgement for sex sin?
The young and the innocent have always suffered whenever a generation who is responsible commits sin. When a drunk drives his pick-up the wrong way on an expressway and hits a bus filled with church youth and kills 27— or when another drunk runs a light and smashes another car, innocent people are often maimed and killed. To say God is responsible for AIDS is like saying the U.S. Department of Transportation is responsible for the 50,000 highway deaths every year.
No! The government writes the law, but the drivers break the rules.
World Awakening, page 50, 51
For a man that believed that every bureaucracy is inherently incompetent and under the direct control of the Devil, comparing God to the D.o.T. should’ve gotten him struck by lightning. This comparison is just blasphemous.
And ignoring his flagrant lack of empathy for 50,000 people per year, you can blame the Department of Transportation for every death that occurs on the roads (excepting suicide, I guess?). Their job is to create as safe of a transportation system as possible. It sounds like they are at least 50,000 lives per year short of that goal.
Also, why are “56,000 cases of AIDS disease,” (Ex. 39) an act of God’s judgement and 50,000 highway deaths aren’t? What makes you so sure that God isn’t demanding you cease driving? This is just so dumb, and it’s so lame that this dude wrote a whole education curriculum. We live in dumb dumb land.
Alright - for certain, AIDS is God’s judgement on homosexuals. Now…
This next Exhibit is something else. He repeats his stupid Dept. of Transportation argument, but check out what surrounds it:
Exhibit 44
Teen Turmoil, page 1292
Seeing these mental gymnastics play out in real time on paper makes me feel dizzy. I don’t understand how any of this went from his brain to paper then all the way to print and publishing without someone looking at this and just slapping Donald in the face.
P.S. - my dude, the police don’t write the law.
Whatever. The point is moot:
Exhibit 45
The disease could conceivably wipe out the entire homosexual population before A.D. 2000. Is this a curse, or just man having his way… and then God having His way?
The question as to whether AIDS is a judgement from God on the homosexual community and drug addicts is a moot point.
Teen Turmoil, page 136
This dude spent paaages declaring AIDS to be God’s judgement on the homosexual community, then said it isn’t, then said it is, then he asks his reader if it’s God’s judgement, and then the point is suddenly moot. When I read that, I screamed.
Would it still be a moot point if God was killing Christians? Turns out, the answer is an obvious no:
Exhibit 46
Without God’s intervention and divine protection, AIDS could have the same devastating effect on the civilized world as did the plagues of the Dark Ages and other periods. In 1350, half the population of Europe was killed by bubonic plague, “the Black Death.”
There is absolutely no question that AIDS will have a monumental effect on the entire civilized world and will forever alter the course of human history.
If, that is, enough humans survive.
Teen Turmoil, page 142
Not so “moot” if God has to intervene to save the entire world from the homosexual scourge called AIDS that HE brought about “just in time” as a judgement. Sometimes, I wish I was illiterate.
Donald’s whole worldview is just an unfiltered projection that doubles as a confession. God is just as stupid as Donald is. The Commies are only ever as sinister, and their plans are always the same as Donald’s plans. The Devil is only as (not) cunning. Jesus is only as magnanimous as Donald, and God’s plan is always just as fucking stupid. Christian Nationalists have no imagination.
We’ve got one more Exhibit in this installment, and it’s the natural conclusion to all this stochastic terrorism. What do you do to mind-controlled, devil-worshiping pedophiles who are plotting to end the world in an immunodeficient holocaust? What is the natural response to sexual perverts risking your life and the life of your children?
Why would anyone bother writing all of this flagrant disinformation?
Stochastic terrorism. That’s it:
Exhibit 47
The hard questions are already being asked: “Who will care for them?” and “What about children with AIDS in schools?”
Communities have already erupted in violence on the latter issue. One Florida family received bomb threats, and later their home was gutted in a suspicious fire. The family left town. Even then, new protests from angry parents were encountered at the new school.
The children now attend class with an escort provided by sheriff’s deputies.
It would be easy to criticize those people who oppose letting AIDS victims attend public schools. However, most are parents and they are not acting out of angry ignorance, but out of concern for their own youngsters.
Teen Turmoil, page 133
Remember the questions that lead him to write this paragraph - “Who will care for them?” and “What about children with AIDS in schools?”
The question he asks is “who will care for them,” but the question he answers is “How you can take care of them.” Arson is how you take care of them. “community violence” is the solution. His message is ‘If they can terrorize AIDS victims into leaving town, so can you.’
He’s not advocating for these children, presenting them as victims of domestic terrorism and in desperate need of police protection. He’s advising his audience that if you too can run these gays out of enough towns, eventually the police will protect you from them. Like Jews wearing the star of David, you’ll be able to pick AIDS carriers out of a crowd.
Again, imagine how different his language would be if the targets of this domestic terrorism were Donald and his ilk. Imagine if the target was Christian children. Donald lost his mind in this very manifesto (Teen Turmoil) over the fact that “judicial interpretation” decided Christian corporations cannot compel their employees to participate in religious prayer meetings (Exhibit 5). He expressed that much concern over a corporation, yet when it comes to domestic terrorism perpetrated against children that Donald assumes are gay, he insists that the terrorists are just misunderstood parents who can’t be blamed.
Rhetoric like Donald Howard’s is directly responsible for this type of community violence. Yet, there’s no punishment. In fact, this language gets you rich in our American culture and you can go on to reshape Christian education around the world. Super awesome.
Thank you all for reading. The next few posts should be relatively easy, compared to the previous. I don’t really know how to end this one other than to say, for-profit societies suck. If money had no sway, these dorks couldn’t get rich selling lies at the expense of other people’s safety.
It’s a post-Christ era and it’s time we save ourselves.
"The most violent thing is society is ignorance." - Emma Goldman
[1] “The majority of infections continue to be attributable to male-to-male sexual contact (63% in 1981 and 66% in 2019).”
[2] “In 1990, 43,339 AIDS cases (17.2 per 100,000 population) were reported, accounting for more than one fourth (161,073) of all cases reported during 1981--1990. Homosexual/bisexual men and IV-drug users represented more than three fourths of reported cases”
Here he combines Exhibit 37 and 44 into this:
Exhibit 48
AIDS is not just the result of dirty needles or mass social ignorance. It is the consequence of a culture’s willful disregard for God and the determined violation of His Word.
AIDS is not a judgement in the sense of God reaching down with a symbolic club to selectively destroy those who disobey Him. Rather, AIDS is the natural consequence when men violate eternal Biblical principles (Gal 6:7-8).
Crisis in Education: Public Education a Disaster.. but There’s a New Hope For Parents, page 101
Yes… that’s really the title.
Check out Galatians 6:7-8: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
Exhibit 49