The last few posts have been pretty exhausting, so thank you for coming back. Though I’ve been exposing the dangerous rhetoric of a lunatic, I feel like I’ve just been whining, and I’m annoying myself. I promise the tone will change after this post.
This post is going to contain some Exhibits that will further document Donald Howard’s homophobic rhetoric. These will correspond more with prior Exhibits than each other. A few of them are dumb and ridiculous in ways that say more about Donald and his wife Esther. Knowing what we know about hate crimes and Donald’s preference for genocide, other Exhibits are downright terrifying.
Not that it won’t make frequent guest appearances in the future, but this will be our last post focusing specifically on the homophobic angle. After this post we’ll cover two of the awful Christian Reconstructionists within Donald’s peer group. Then, we’ll move on to something lighter and more educational for a while.
For those that haven’t read my prior posts, Donald Howard is the author and creator of Accelerated Christian Education (ACE). Used in 140 countries, his curriculum is designed to indoctrinate children into a Christian Nationalist belief structure by pillaging the Bible of all substance and context. Over the last 55 years, tens of millions of children worldwide have graduated from the ACE curriculum.
To summarize, Donald’s Christian America would liquidate the LGBT+ community, liberals would forfeit any semblance of human rights, segregation would come back, women would become property (again), and so on. All in the name of Jesus. This is how we get to Project 2025. This belief structure permeates all of his written work, to include the PACEs in circulation today. Donald should not have been allowed to influence any child’s education.
This is that there trigger warning. Today’s post continues the trend of increasingly violent
When he says below that condoms wouldn’t be allowed in Christian America, he isn’t being sarcastic. Condoms protect homosexuals from God’s judgement (AIDS) - of course they wouldn’t be allowed:
Exhibit 50
Teen Turmoil, page 130
This next bit is taught as fact in Accelerated Christian Education’s Sociology class:
Exhibit 51
Homosexuality has increased significantly in the past 20 years. In the wake of the sex revolution, homosexual “cruising” involves hundreds of sexual contacts among promiscuous “gays”.
Teen Turmoil, page 128
I love this idea that homosexuality “has increased significantly”. Sure, pal.
This one just reiterates his child abuse/pedophile narrative, while also positing that taxpayers are funding this abuse. The purpose of this disinformation is to pile onto the “huge expense” of tolerating homosexuals in our society:
Exhibit 52
The surgeon general in 1988 mailed out packages of information, at huge expense to taxpayers, to “inform” Americans that what Christians call immorality is “risky”.
The Humanist perception is to deal with such problems with more “education” as if AIDS will somehow go away if more people are informed. For example, two pamphlets were passed out to a mixed eighth grade class in Azalea Garden Middle School in Norfolk, Virginia. The pamphlets encouraged the 13 and 14-year-olds to “practice safer sex,” adding that such sex can be sensuous, fun, even creative! (Listed as a resource for information about “safer sex” was the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.)
Teen Turmoil, page 133
Obviously, these pamphlets never existed in the way Donald presented them. There were many on-going campaigns meant to warn high school students about the dangers of unprotected sex, but even these Gay Satanic Humanist pamphlets tended to advocate for abstinence. No one was using tax dollars to teach kids about “fun” or “sensuous” sex. That is coming straight from Donald’s fantasies.
Education won’t help (said the eDUcAtoR). But what if it did? Here he is one page later:
Exhibit 53
Ignorance also plays a part in teenage AIDS cases. In a study funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, experts reported a mixed response. While 93% of the 11,000 eight and tenth graders knew that AIDS is transmitted by sexual activity, half of those surveyed didn’t understand the risk—they erroneously felt that washing after sex reduced one’s chances of being infected.
Besides, as one writer pointed out, people don’t use condoms for kissing, referring to the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta that “there is a risk of infecting others by. . . intimate kissing.”
Teen Turmoil, page 134
Donald is that “one writer.” He pushed back on any form of sex education, so it’s no wonder he didn’t understand “intimate kissing.” Rest in peace Mrs. Esther Howard (not that she wasn’t a putrid piece of shit too).
Assuming any of the first paragraph is true, maybe a little education in the form of pamphlets might do the trick. Idk. It’d prevent you from sounding like this:
Here’s another story taught in senior sociology classes at ACE schools:
Exhibit 54
In another situation, a Christian speaker told of a young married male acquaintance who had casually flirted with a good-looking woman while attending an out-of-town convention. He got caught in the trap of his first experience of infidelity. The next morning when he awoke, the young woman had already gone. On the mirror, written in lipstick, was a crude message: “Welcome to the world of AIDS.”
Teen Turmoil, page 135
It shouldn’t have surprised me that this story isn’t true [1, 2]. It’s just one of those things you hear as a kid and remember forever.
We pinged on this in the last post, but Christian men get “caught in the trap” of infidelity. Christian men don’t commit sin, they get bamboozled by them harlots on rooftops - what with their exposed heads, shoulders, knees, and toes and what-not.
In the footnotes, I’ll explain why this next Exhibit skips page 137, with a picture for proof. It will make sense.
Here, he starts slamming that AIDS Homosexuals-will-ruin-everything panic button:
Exhibit 55
But the panic will go far beyond the pandemic of death. No community or family will be safe. The costs of care for AIDS patients will be staggering.
One researcher says the actual medical expense, based on an average 167-day hospital stay of AIDS patients before they die, is $147,000 for each patient.
Teen Turmoil, page 136, 1381
Recall Exhibit 6, when Donald explicitly stated that (undefined) “anarchists forfeit their rights”. Remember his habit of air-quoting “human rights”. And how God averted Communism by sending in right-wing death squads to liquidate up to 2 million (undefined) Communists (Exhibit 28).
In areas of the world where human rights are not a priority, it conceivable to expect that a typical 167-day hospital stay will be eliminated in favor of some form of euthanasia, even execution.
“Human rights” are a “smokescreen” to Donald. Human rights have no place in his Christian America. If “anarchists forfeit their rights,” how much worse do you think Christian America would be for the LGBT+ community? Donald isn’t concerned for the homosexual community here. He’s not warning his readers about the horrors of “conceivable” state violence - he’s explaining the logical governmental policy for dealing with ‘pedophilic AIDS distributors.’ It’s his Final Solution, if you will. For Christian Nationalists, slaying non-believers is their stated goal, and it’s time we start believing them.
*I don’t want to come off as downplaying the Nazi’s Holocaust. That is an honest representation of what Donald’s Christian America would do to the LGBT+ community (Jews too). And not for nothing, but homosexuals were systemically murdered under Nazi rule, too.
Racism?! What is this, a cross over episode??
Exhibit 56a
We have been intimidated against speaking out or acting on moral issues. We hesitate to call homosexuality a sin or to call abortion murder.
In black Africa, AIDS is also described as the product of Western decadence, a disease of the white man’s “first world”. Yet the World Health Organization reported that 50,000 AIDS cases had occurred in Africa, far more than reported by the African nations themselves.
Real quick - “also described” is in reference to the Soviet Union in Exhibit 54 describing AIDS as a Western disease.
Importantly, he calls out “black Africa” specifically because “white Africa” is apartheid Africa, and Donald has a vested interest in the perpetuation thereof. Emotionally, because of his frothing racism, and financially, because apartheid Africa is one of Accelerated Christian Education’s top purchasers.
One last thing - he’s presenting this information as if these “African nations” are intentionally under reporting these numbers in order to blame Donald’s beloved West - this is just fucking ridiculous. The World Health Organization was (and still is) vastly more capable of accurately determining AIDS cases in Africa than the countries themselves. These nations weren’t hiding anything, they just didn’t know what they didn’t know.
But, because they’re black, the reason must be malicious and nefarious. He uses this premise, that blacks are blaming whites for AIDS, to justify discrimination against “African blacks”:
Exhibit 56b
In Europe, African blacks are discriminated against because the AIDS virus was first discovered in Africans and Haitians.
What all this points to, according to some sociologists, is widespread prejudice and conflict between different countries and cultures. Probably the most obvious “target” in all countries will be homosexuals. They may become casualties of violence and prejudice worldwide. (Already, polls indicate that an increased number of Americans—53%—feel there should be restrictions on homosexual behavior.)
Teen Turmoil, page 138, 139
He often does this thing where he air quotes something like “target” after saying “some sociologists.” That’s just Donald quoting himself in order to gain credibility from his very gullible audience.
For those that didn’t read my prior post, Smut Exploded, this is straight up stochastic terrorism. Donald is directing his audience to “target” is homosexuals. He’s giving his readers a pass to commit “violence and prejudice” against the LGBT+ community. When rhetoric like this is pointed at your immutable aspects, it’s all too clear how this could incite someone to commit a hate crime.
An easy, D.I.Y. litmus test for sniffing out stochastic terrorism is to apply the rhetoric to your demographics, and also to the speaker’s. If you or the speaker would feel less safe going outside when the same rhetoric is espoused in your direction, that’s probably stochastic terrorism. At the very least, it’s extremely irresponsible.
In Donald’s case:
In Europe,
African blacksNorth American whites are discriminated against because the AIDS virus was first discovered inAfricans and HaitiansAmericans and Canadians.
He’d be screaming like he did in Exhibit 5 about coordinated oppression against Christians.
(Already, polls indicate that an increased number of Americans—53%—feel there should be restrictions on
homosexualChristian behavior.)
Even more frustrating is that this whole thing flies in the face of Donald’s “moral Absolutes.” We already destroyed Absolutes in God Votes Republican, but pigshit like this is just another good reminder that nothing meant anything to Donald. He just wanted the world to be a shittier place for anyone that wasn’t a straight, white, Christian American land-owning man.
I don’t think anyone here needs further explanation of why revising the 1st Amendment is necessary. I’m also certain you all know how just how poorly that endeavor could go. Changing the 1st Amendment to reflect modern technology and it’s direct causal effect on hate crimes will be tricky, but our current way of life is unsustainable. As long as pigs can make a profit by squealing about white replacement and such, we are going to live in an unnecessarily dangerous world.
In the next post, we’re going to cover two of the fuckwits that provided Donald with most of his homophobic ammo, David Barton and Tim Lahaye. Should be short, though not-so-sweet, and then we’re on to something else - both a little fun and educational.
Thanks for reading! :)
A verse so nice, it’s in the Bible twice:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Here’s page 137. This is pretty standard fare for Donald. He filled pages of his manifestos with streams of random facts that he embellished to match his petty feelings. Nothing deeper than meme-level efforts. You’ll see in the first paragraph that he puts (CNN, 8/20/88), but without any quotes and, again, he never bothered with specific sourcing in an index or bibliography. I have no idea what is actually substantiated by CNN in that paragraph despite a fair bit of searching:
Exhibit 57
*The words obscured in the top left are “Consequently” and “months”. My bad:
Teen Turmoil, page 137