Welcome back!
In the last post, we covered some general details about Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education), and began our review of Collectivism 133. For the sake of not writing a 20 minute read, I’m not going to do a recap of Part 1. If that’s context you need, check out Part 1 below.
Today’s focus will be on Satan’s fall from grace and the story of Adam and Eve. I know I said in the last post that we’d get into the spooky, corporeal angels vs demons stuff in Part 2. However, when writing up this post I realized it would be way too long to include, so I’m going to relegate that to Part 3.
A quick reminder - this is “education.” Christian parents pay good money to send their children to Accelerated Christian Education schools and this is the material their children learn. Most parents trust that there are reasonable regulations concerning what private education in America can teach. In some states, that’s (kind of) true. In most states, this is not the case.
We start off with Donald continuing to build this narrative that every attempt to make the world a better place originates with the O.G. utopian revolutionary, Satan himself:
Exhibit 69
Lucifer had been created perfect, but iniquity was found in him—the sin of pride. God’s perfect creature sinned. Lucifer had no dark desire to commit any foul and licentious acts of gross immorality. His sin was simply wanting to “do his own thing.” The heavenly society could be greatly improved if only he, Lucifer, replaced God as the sovereign ruler. […] (Isaiah 14:12-15)
Five times the pride-filled Lucifer defiantly told God, “I will”:
“I will ascend to heaven.”
“I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.”
“I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.”
“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.”
“I will be like the most High.”
Collectivism 133, page 5
While Donald accurately relayed Satan’s five I wills from Isaiah 14:12-15, he failed to quote the Bible in good-faith, as always.
Donald’s claim states “Lucifer defiantly told God, “I will,”’ but in this verse, God Himself says that Satan “hast said in thine heart.”1 Let’s ignore the fact that Satan’s original sin was thought-crime. Where in “I will ascend to heaven” do you hear “heavenly society could be greatly improved”? Where did the (psuedo) literalism I’ve documented for the prior 68 Exhibits go?
You’ve heard the phrase, ‘never attribute malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity’? I ask you to hearken back to my post, Before the Donald Crows, when I say this isn’t stupidity. Donald had a weird fetish for power, especially with regards to children. Teaching students that they don’t have to be evil to be sent to hell is just wicked. This is just another form of thought control. Pick up your cross and follow Donald, but don’t think about it too hard.
Exhibit 70
Lucifer led one third of the angels of Heaven into open revolt against God in an attempt to set up his own “utopia.” Not only did Lucifer sin himself, but he caused another third of the host of God to sin also. Second Peter 2:4 speaks of these “. . . angels that sinned. . .” and Jude 6 tells us about “. . . angels who kept not their first estate. . .” The above quoted Biblical passages record for us the first collectivist revolution against legal authority.
Collectivism 133, page 6
Referring to God’s authority as “legal,” is just so stupid. And not for nothing, but “collectivist,” and “utopia,” appear exactly zero times in the Bible.
After this, he plays a boring deductive reasoning game to determine when exactly Lucifer lead his revolt. I’m leaving it out because it’s lengthy and pointless. At best, it’s just mental masturbation. His conclusion to this jerk-off is just a restatement that Satan must be behind every rebellion attempt to make the world a better place:
Exhibit 71
At any event, the stage was set for all future rebellions; and Lucifer (now Satan, “the adversary”) would prove to be the ultimate author of them all.
Collectivism 133, page 6
To drive the point home with his students, this question appears after the text:
Exhibit 72
Once he had failed in his attempt to overthrow God, Satan never involved himself in any more rebellions. (True or false?) _______
Collectivism 133, page 7
He makes similar claims throughout his manifestos. Here’s one:
Exhibit 73
Lucifer is the master deceiver. He’s the TIMELESS MIND that dominates men of every age, makes them a slave, groups them together in a system of world control; “principalities, power, rulers of the darkness . . . .” In his kingdom he coordinates the conspiracy to organize lost men, to crush out the gospel ministry, and to resist the propagation of the gospel and theism.
To Save a Nation, page 136
That timeless mind shit gets spooky and antisemetic real quick.
Next, Donald gets into more mental masturbation over the timelines and the politics (I guess?) of Satan’s rebellion and how the scene of rebellion moved to earth and blah blah blah. Very boring.
So here we are, on page 8, where Donald re-imagines a story already steeped in sexism, and then cranks it up a few notches.
Here he emphasizes the superiority of men:
Exhibit 74
Adam himself was given charge, under God, over God’s creation. The Ruler of the Universe delegated authority to His creation. As Lucifer was the highest created being in Heaven, so Adam was the highest created being on earth […]
God was over Adam, and Adam was over all the earth. Adam acted as an intermediary between the Creator and the creation. God was the King, and Adam was the satrap over the subjects of his kingdom. In relation to God, Adam was a vassal; but in relation to God’s creation, Adam was the suzerain. It is because Adam was, before God, the federal representative of our race, that when Adam fell, we fell with him.
Collectivism 133, page 8
I challenge anyone to find the word “satrap,” in Genesis, or “federal representative,” “vassal,” “suzerain,” or “collectivist,” anywhere in the Bible (KJV or bust)2.
Young men and women, 16-18 year olds, are taking this course. What message does it send if “Adam was the highest created being on earth”? Better yet, “the federal representative of our race.” At no point does Donald make an effort to affirm or build up his sisters in Christ. Instead, he doubles down on the superiority of men by attacking Eve in a very typical fashion. This Exhibit sounds like “what was she wearing?”:
*this appears under the heading Satan’s Plan
Exhibit 75
The “adversary” of God did not launch his attack directly at man, but took advantage of his weaker (1 Peter 3:7) mate. Satan and the serpent did not have to lure Eve to the center of the garden where the forbidden tree grew. She was looking at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and possibly questioning in her own mind the reasons for God’s prohibition. Half of Satan’s battle Eve had already won for him. She had put herself in the place of temptation.
Collectivism 133, page 9
Ayyyeee, there’s Donald’s go-to move. He makes the assumption “possibly questioning,” and then he carries on as if his assumption is correct “Half of Satan’s battle Eve had already won for him. She had put herself in the place of temptation.” It never gets less disturbing watching a grown ass man talk himself into some bullshit, in real time, on paper. It actually gets worse. At least in his manifestos, his target audience isn’t children.
If Eve is this much at fault, can you even blame the Devil? This is called victim-blaming. What message does victim-blaming send to young people who believe they are learning from a man of God? For Fundamentalist Christians, it’s a tale as old as literal time. Simply replace “what was she wearing,” with “where was she standing,” and, suddenly, Brock Turner and the Devil have some things in common. They’re both evil, yet Christian men will loyally come to their defense and blame the woman.
I want to restate that the only thing I’ll ever add to these Exhibits is […] to show that I am skipping a section of no import. All the other ellipses…, (parenthesis), emphasis, or [brackets] are Donald’s:
Exhibit 76
As they conversed, Satan (through the instrument of the serpent) carefully laid a trap for the unwary woman. Satan deliberately omitted the word freely when he asked “. . . hath God said, Ye shall not eat [freely] of every tree in the garden?” When she answered him Eve fell easily into Satan’s snare; and she likewise omitted the word freely; plus, she left out the word surely […]
Satan, realizing he had Eve entangled, pounced upon her omission of the word surely. “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.” (emphasis added; Genesis 3:4) Eve further violated God’s Word by not only subtracting from it, but also by adding to it. “. . . God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (emphasis added; Genesis 3:3)
Collectivism 133, page 10
Donald will add, subtract, and embellish the hell out of Scripture to argue Republican talking points, but when a woman omits a fucking adverb, she’s violating God’s law. Words like “federal representative,” “utopia,” etc. are mentioned exactly zero times in the Bible, but because Donald is only capable of thinking about the world in terms of vertical hierarchies, “legal authority” must be what God, the Devil, and Eve are all fussing over.
He could have taken the Garden of Eden story in any direction. Instead of faulting the Devil, he congratulates his efforts and blames Eve. Instead of blaming Adam or God for not protecting the “weaker mate,” he blames the “weaker mate” for being preyed upon by the “master deceiver” (Ex. 73). This pigshit doesn’t make sense on any level.
On that note, this is the last we’re going to hear about women for quite a while. Which, in light of the way Donald presents women, might actually be a good thing. In the approximate 410 pages of this Collectivism course, tons of straight white men make an appearance, and only four women do. The first being Eve. Whom, as you saw, is not presented in a fair or reasonable light. The next will be Jenny Marx, 168 pages later. 226 pages after that, Eva Duarte de Perón and Isabel de Peron make an appearance. All of them are introduced first as wives or daughters - in some way the property or product of a man. They are not their own person, examined solely for their philosophical contributions.
Thanks for reading! Part 3 will be ready shortly.
‘Civilised’ people prepare young girls to be deceived, then make it her crime, and almost an honour to the seducer.
Louise Michel
I mentioned this in Part 1, but being taught that Satan was actively whispering evil thoughts/temptations into my head, terrified me a child. To go a step further, combining these evil whispers with God’s ability to read my thoughts drove me insane. It meant I had to be always checking my thoughts for any sign of the Devil - always on edge as if I could commit an unforgivable sin and lose my salvation at a moment’s notice. I spent so much time begging for forgiveness for the sin of thought-crime. If I ever sound, I don’t know, angry at our Lord and Savior - it’s because he could have put a stop to my suffering at any time. Instead, He looked on with indifference.
Some fucking Father.
In this Exhibit, Donald is quoting the debunked con-man Dr. Henry Morris “Father of Modern Creation Science” on the superiority of the KJV translation:
Exhibit 77
“It is because the quality of language is so high and the culture and linguistic skill of the average American has declined to the point that most young adults cannot read and understand the King James Version of the Bible. It was translated when the English language was at it’s zenith.”
To Save a Nation, page 116