I'm glad you covered this. This was the PACE that made me a right winger. As I got older I learned better justifications but from the start it was this stupid little comic. What was I going to do? Choose to not side with God and everything that was pure and right in the world? It was the ideas in this PACE that subtly came to the surface of my mind whenever I spoke to a left leaning person.

"People will be ruled by either the Lord from within — by walking with God in wisdom —or by powerful government from without."

I also found it funny how mask off this statement was. "You'll either conform on your own or the powerful government we claim to not want will force you to comply."

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Thanks :)

Yea, it's wild viewing it from the outside, after being in it for so long. On the one hand, it's hard for me to fathom that I didn't see these mental gymnastics for what they were at the time. On the other, it's hard to fathom just how many layers of lies and political disorientation we were buried under by the time we're working through this English PACE.

It's scary how many people who believe this are voters.

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As I have mentioned previously, what this PACE says, in essence, is the same thing all orthodox Christian leaders said from before Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom until well after World War I.

What was thought of as democracy, although not nearly meeting the criteria we would use for it now, developed in the period immediately preceding the rise of Christianity, and was rigidly rejected by early Christian leaders who saw any nonhierarchical government as ipso facto atheistic and disordered.

John Bellamy Foster noted in his book ‘Critique of Intelligent Design’ how this belief in a designed, ordered, hierarchical world is inherently antidemocratic, whereas democracy has always been associated with an evolutionary cosmology. The whole purpose of ACE — like every religious movement backed by the global elite since the 1973 oil crisis — is to dismantle the democratic, atheistic cosmology built by the European industrial working classes between the continent’s industrialisation in the middle nineteenth century and the above-mentioned oil crisis, whose freeing of trade allowed capital to move away from what — by objective market standards — are ridiculously high-wage nations, thus eliminating their collective power to restrict global capital which had been won since the First World War.

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another wild ride and another job well done! PACES are an abomination!

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