Collectivism 136, Part 1: Weird Semitic Identity Politics, Holocaust Minimization, and Very Cruel Lies
Revised 1981
Hey, and welcome back to Safe White Space!
This is Part 1 of my review for Collectivism 136. If you don’t know what PACEs are and need context for the scope of these reviews, check out Collectivism 133, Part 1 posted below:
As oppose to Accelerated Christian Education’s Collectivism 134, which was largely just a collection of facts (and 19 errors), this PACE is extremely meaty. In approximately 22 pages of text, the author Donald Howard runs through:
Hegel’s biography
Hegel’s philosophy
A. The Absolute Idea
B. Hegelian Dialectics
C. Hegelian theory of history
Ludwig Feuerbach
“Gracchus Babeuf
A. The Conspiracy of Equals
B. Babouvism
Philippe Buonarrotti[sic]
Louis Blanqui
A. Blanquism
B.Blanquist Inssurrection
Karl Marx
A. The Student
B. The Doctor
C. The Revolutionary
D. The Family Man
Frederich Engels
Interpretations of Marxism
Dialectic Materialism
The Alienation of Man
Economic Determinism
Marxist theory of “labor value.”
The Class Struggle
Marxist View of History
Each of these extremely intricate theories and people are covered in 1-3 paragraphs each, interspersed with egregious editorializing. It’s all fairly complex, and Donald essentially just presents their theories in the most absurd sounding ways possible, in as few sentences as possible. His approach to these ideas is just stringing glib retorts together about their character or how they wasted their lives trying to exalt themselves above God, or something else equally not academic. It’s really lame.
I haven’t highlighted this point yet, but ACE requires students to get an 80% or above on a test to pass. By these standards, every PACE I’ve reviewed has failed. With that framework in mind, I’m going to punch enough holes in this PACE to show that it doesn’t hold water by:
Thoroughly covering his exposition on Hegel to show that Donald couldn’t comprehend any of the philosophy this PACE is supposed to be covering
Make swiss cheese of Donald’s foundational position
Expose a few instances where he straight up lies
Record a few factual errors
Demonstrate that he never had any intention of presenting the people in this PACE honestly, even if he had the capacity to
Highlight more Holocaust minimization and Semitic-tokenization/identity politics (this isn’t even the vile bit)
All of which will testify to the fact that, if there is a God, Donald is drowning in a lake of fire with a millstone tied around his neck
Due to the way I’m tackling this PACE, we are going to start by highlighting the way Donald presented these figures and ideas he so loathed, which will segue into reviewing his coverage of Marx’s life. In Part 2 we’ll record the factual errors and segue into a much more detailed review of Hegel’s work through Donald’s lenses.
Here are some examples of the egregious editorializing going on in the form Holocaust minimization. All three of these are in reference to the French Revolution:
Exhibit 158
It was that holocaust which served as a midwife at the birth of the so-called “modern civilization” and along with it, all the humanistic, atheistic, hedonistic, and collectivistic maladies of today’s society.
Collectivism 136, page 2
Two things, one, Collectivism 135 claimed that the revolution failed. So… it also gets the blame for all of today’s problems? Awkward.
Please, take a guess at how many people died during this “holocaust,” that was the Reign of Terror. I’ll give you a guess, the reason this is a “holocaust” equatable to the deaths of 17 million people that Donald would define as undesirables, is because these people were white and ostensibly rich. Two things Donald deeply identifies with.
Exhibit 159
That latter holocaust Hegel stoutly defended as a “marvelous sunrise for mankind.”
Collectivism 136, page 3
This next one is spiced up with some conspiracy:
Exhibit 160
It will be remembered that Robespierre was himself an Illuminist and was, some have maintained, the individual hand-picked by Adam Weishaupt to guide the events of the French holocaust.
Collectivism 136, page 14
Fun how “some have maintained” works as a credible source at Accelerated Christian Education.
On page 17, the following quote from the manifesto of Equals is presented as a terrible thing that would have ruined France:
Exhibit 161
Collectivism 136, page 17
The idea that any of this is a bad thing is hilarious. Like, the one time he directly and accurately quotes a dirty-filthy-Communist-Holocaust-committer scumbag, and they sound like the what Donald wishes the Founding Fathers sounded like. It just blows my mind.
At the same time, Donald positively quotes Francis Schaeffer in this PACE, someone Donald had previously plagiarized in his first fascist manifesto To Save a Nation, for which he had to publicly apologize:
Exhibit 162
“With Hegel… man gave up the rational, unified field of knowledge. . .”
Francis A. Schaeffer
Collectivism 136, page 14
Francis A. Schaeffer was a Christian Reconstructionist and someone Donald looked up to. These people believe they can establish a Christina Nation if they slay enough nonbelievers, mainly homosexuals. You can imagine why Donald, a guy that advocated “euthanization” of homosexuals on the basis of their “immoral behaviour.” [Ex. 55]
That’s mild, for this Schaeffer, and he is in the PACEs, on the side of the ‘good guys’…
Now we’re going to talk about the way Karl Marx is presented in this PACE. This comes in the form of outright lies, false equivalencies, and that petulant whiny way conservatives get when they don’t understand something. Then we’ll wrap up with the most disappointing conclusion to what could have been fun history.
Pages 23-24 are talking about Marx’s hatred for religion to include his antisemitism. It is true that Marx was antisemitic, but where Donald took this is the classic ‘must be an agent of the literal Devil’ nonsense. Donald didn’t care that Marx was an antisemite, only that he could gain from this ad hominem. This would be a great opportunity to quote Marx proffering an antisemitic position, and to then deconstruct an antisemitic talking point in front of his students. This would be a practical way to combat antisemitism. Instead, we just get some really weird identity politics:
Exhibit 163
He was the son of a moderately successful lawyer of Jewish decent, who in his own youth had converted to the Lutheran faith and changed his name from Hirschel Mordecai to Heinrich Marx. In contrast to the claims of many anti-Semites, Karl Marx was born KARL MARX, not KARL MORDECAI and was reared as a liberal Protestant, and not as a Jew!
Collectivism 136, page 23
First off, anti-semites don’t necessarily care about the religiosity of a Jew, it’s their ethnicity they hate. Donald missing this point and hyper-focusing on the religious aspect is strange to me in ways that feel intentional. I’ve never needed to deny or affirm someone’s Jewishness at all, so the intensity of this is weird. Like, why are we talking pedigrees? As if the real issue with this antisemitism is that it was directed at a non-Jew, as opposed to the antisemitism itself.
Considering that Donald graduated from Bob Jones University, a degree mill private Christian college that teaches at about the same quality of education as ACE, the following is absurd:
Exhibit 164
His friend Bauer suggested that he try the University of Jena. Jena, in that era, was the equivalent of today’s mail-order “degree-mills.” Marx never actually attended the University of Jena. He merely posted his written dissertation to that institution and was promptly awarded a Ph.D. In 1841, Karl Heinrich Marx was unleashed upon the world!
Collectivism 136, page 25
The PACE doesn’t bother explaining why Marx’s “The Difference between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature” isn’t worth a Ph.D so I don’t really know what to say about it. I did appreciate the included “Heinrich.” Really gotta drive that “not as a Jew!” point home…
In this next Exhibit, Donald gets cartoonishly Capitalist:
Exhibit 165
Die Rheinische Zeitung was banned from further publication. The editorship of that radical newspaper was, for all intents and purposes, the last full-time regular job that “Dr.” Marx would ever hold throughout his life!
Collectivism 136, page 25
Well, anyway.
In this one, it’s like he’s making fun of Marx for the way he expresses love to his wife, Jenny:
Exhibit 166
A typical letter to Fraulein von Westphalen reads in part, “Jenny! If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then shall I stride through the wreckage a creator!” Jenny von Westphalen finally accepted the proposal of marriage from that would-be “creator” of a new social order, and in June 1843, the wealthy baron’s daughter became the wife of the unemployed social malcontent Karl Marx.
Collectivism 136, page 25
Cool. Not “Hey, look, even our worst enemies have humanity.” Just pearl-clutching at hyperbole. Tiny peepee energy.
Exhibit 167
Marx, the hired-hack writer for the League-of-the-Just-conspiracy, was, however, considered so unimportant by his employers that his name did not appear on any edition of The Communist Manifesto for over twenty-four years after it’s initial publication.
Collectivism 136, page 27
Since there is no cited source, all I can find is in this preface to the Communist Manifesto, where Engels writes, “An Armenian translation, which was to be published in Constantinople some months ago [1886], did not see the light, I am told, because the publisher was afraid of bringing out a book with the name of Marx on it, while the translator declined to call it his own production.” 1886 is about 24 years 1848, so maybe? Otherwise, I have no idea what he’s talking about.
In this Exhibit, Donald commits the classic Capitalist compulsion to quantify Leftist success by Capitalist measurements. Below is in reference to Das Kapital which is comparable to the Communist Manifesto in terms of it’s influence on political development:
Exhibit 168
The book produced few sales (even today it is read only by a small handful of dedicated Marxists) and the Communist Party did on proliferate as planned by Marx, largely due to his own negative influence. Unfortunately for the world, however, both of those “creations” of “Dr.” Marx were resuscitated after the death of the one who predicted that he would “stride through the wreckage (of the established social order) a creator.
Collectivism 136, page 28
Y’know, Communists don’t tend to sell their intellectual property, so when capitalists take this route I just roll my eyes. And that last sentence is just, like, go to bed, little bro. Brush your teeth.
Almost done.
Exhibit 169
All that Karl Heinrich Marx personally touched in his own lifetime culminated in tragedy and failure. Truly his was a wasted life!
Collectivism 136, page 29
Kay, pal.
On this page, Donald disparages Marx as a father and husband in the most vile and disgusting way possible. In much the same way Donald uses Jews, here he exploits Jenny Marx’s letter to a friend of hers where she is pouring out her heart and lamenting the situation her family finds themselves in. By selectively editing this letter, Donald frames it as though Jenny is blaming her husband Karl for their situation, when in fact she is doing the exact opposite. This is the “context” Donald gives for this letter:
Exhibit 170
Karl Marx was not poor, BUT he refused to work and he squandered every cent he ever had. Consequently, the Marx family lived in the London slums, was chronically in debt, and literally endured starvation…
Jenny would often cry all night, whereupon her “loving” husband would respond by upbraiding her for disturbing his “studies”! The following except from one of Jenny Marx’s letters reveals the degree of her own suffering:
Collectivism 136, page 29
I absolutely hate the way he is feigning his care for Jenny, and you will too when you see what’s ahead. This is all in service of exploiting her pain.
I had to chase this letter down since Donald can’t be fucked to give any real context. This is a long letter so I’ve cut two excerpts leading up to the tiny bit that Donald quotes to give you actual, proper context. You know, the way Donald would have had he been a human fucking being.
Jenny is writing to her friend Joseph Weydemeyer and asking him for money because the family went broke:
“No one, I am sure, could reproach us with having made much ado about what we have been obliged to renounce and put up with for years; the public has never, or hardly ever, been importuned with our private affairs, for my husband is very sensitive about such matters and would sooner sacrifice all he has left rather than demean himself by passing round the democratic begging-bowl, as is done by the official great men.”
I can see Donald getting offended by that and leaving it out, considering he largely made his living off tithes begging people poorer than himself for money.
“He [Marx] shouldered every burden, he gave up his machinery, he gave up the entire proceeds and, on his departure, even borrowed 300 Reichstalers so as to pay the rent for newly hired premises, the editors' arrears of salary, etc.—and he was forcibly expelled. As you know, we saved nothing out of all this for ourselves…”
Jenny makes Karl seem pretty Christ-like, to me.
That should establish that this isn’t some poor lonely house wife ragging on her do-nothing husband. Now, here’s the way Donald cuts together the bottom bits of this letter. Remember the context is how awful Karl was as a husband and father:
Exhibit 171
Collectivism 136, page 29
Below is what the section he is quoting actually said, in it’s full context. I’ve emboldened the bits that Donald left out. You may even notice that he changed some of the words to make his clipped quote work better:
“Let me describe for you, as it really was, just one day in our lives, and you will realise that few refugees are likely to have gone through a similar experience. Since wet-nurses here are exorbitantly expensive, I was determined to feed my child myself, however frightful the pain in my breast and back. But the poor little angel absorbed with my milk so many anxieties and unspoken sorrows that he was always ailing and in severe pain by day and by night. Since coming into the world, he has never slept a whole night through—at most two or three hours. Latterly, too, there have been violent convulsions, so that the child has been hovering constantly between death and a miserable life. In his pain he sucked so hard that I got a sore on my breast—an open sore; often blood would spurt into his little, trembling mouth. I was sitting thus one day when suddenly in came our landlady, to whom we had paid over 250 Reichstalers in the course of the winter, and with whom we had contractually agreed that we should subsequently pay, not her, but her landlord by whom she had formerly been placed under distraint; she now denied the existence of, the contract, demanded the £5 we still owed her and, since this was not ready to hand (Naut's letter arrived too late), two bailiffs entered the house and placed under distraint what little I possessed—beds, linen, clothes, everything, even my poor infant's cradle, and the best of the toys belonging to the girls, who burst into tears. They threatened to take everything away within 2 hours—leaving me lying on the bare boards with my shivering children and my sore breast. Our friend Schramm left hurriedly for town in search of help. He climbed into a cab, the horses took fright, he jumped out of the vehicle and was brought bleeding back to the house where I was lamenting in company with my poor, trembling children.
The following day we had to leave the house, it was cold, wet and overcast, my husband went to look for lodgings, on his mentioning 4 children no one wanted to take us in. At last a friend came to our aid, we paid and I hurriedly sold all my beds so as to settle with the apothecaries, bakers, butchers, and milkman who, their fears aroused by the scandal of the bailiffs, had suddenly besieged me with their bills.”
Jenny is wracked with pain because both she and her husband are giving everything they have, working themselves to the bone and despite both their efforts, their children are suffering. You know, the way a normal fucking human would feel in this situation. Donald is taking Jenny’s love for Karl and her family, and intentionally perverting it into disgust for her husband. All to get in a Twitter dunk on a dead man.
Suuuper Christ-like. Academic AF, if you will.
I didn’t look any further into the family life of Karl and Jenny, because this is literally the only thing Donald presented as evidence and I’ve busted his lying ass.
To wrap up, this is how the PACE started on page 2:
Exhibit 172
Marx was very much the product of nearly three thousand years of communistic thinking.
Collectivism 136, page 2
And this is how it concludes:
Exhibit 173
Collectivism 136, page 45
Three mountain peaks! Yep! That’s it, you got it. Karl Marx was literally so evil that he and Satan are 1:1.
This ought to give you an idea of the hot-takes going on between these Exhibits.
In Part 2 we’ll wrap up this PACE by getting into the weeds (I think it’ll be fun) on Hegel’s philosophy and the way Donald interacts with it. If anyone wants to take on deconstructing any of the topics listed at the top of this post in greater detail, let me know. I can send you pictures of the requested section or whatever is best. The more eyes on this stuff the better.
Thank you all for reading and I’ll see you shortly.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Approximately 17,000 were executed and approximately 10,000 died in prison. This PACE equates the 27,000 murders of generally well to do people to the liquidation of 17 million people. Not just once. Three! Times!
being that the french revolution was the first time in european history that jews were granted full citizenship, it’s literally so crazy for donald to co-opt the term holocaust for the execution of the tyrant aristocracy that refused them that right. fuck this guy.