Collectivism 138, Part 2: "Fascist Precursors," an Introduction to Racial Theory, and Sluuurs
Written 1981, Revised 2014
Hello there, and welcome back to Safe White Space!
This is Part 2 of my review for Collectivism 138, a PACE in the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum (ACE). All of these PACEs were written by a fascist goon named Donald Howard. If you don’t know what PACEs are, and need context for the scope of these reviews, check out Collectivism 133, Part 1 posted below:
In Part 1, we read the PACE’s version of fascism, compared that to actual fascism, and determined why there was such a huge discrepancy. Upon completing the PACE’s introduction to fascism, the ACE student is no closer to understanding fascism. Quite the opposite, and by design. If the student can’t identify the 14 tell-tale markers of fascism, they won’t be able to recognize how much overlap there is between the Christian Nationalism they’ve subscribed to (through the ACE curriculum), and Hitler’s Reich, for example. Such was my personal experience, and that of many of my fellow ACE alumni.
Unfortunately, in concluding my last post, I jumped the gun and promised you Zionism and extensive race science in this one. In writing up this post, I realized I needed to cover a little more ground before reviewing the PACE’s case for white supremacy. You will not go empty handed, though, I promise. For a teaser, here you go:
It’s baaad…
Let’s again start with the PACE’s student learning Objective:
Exhibit 281
When you have successfully completed this PACE, you should be able [sic]
to set forth the ideologies expressed by the philosophical precursors to modern fascism.
to reconstruct the history of the German Third Reich.
to recapitulate the facts concerning the Corporate fascism of France and Italy and the Hispanic fascism of Spain and Argentina.
to demonstrate that ability by supplying the correct answers to questions found in the Checkups, Self Test, and PACE test.
Collectivism 138, page 1
The PACE is heading in the opposite direction of these stated goals.
Today, we’ll contrast Donald Howard’s presentation of both the biographies and philosophies of three “antecedents to Fascism,” with those of their Communist counterparts. What we’ll find is that, by presenting fascist ideas and racial theory in an ‘objective’ manner, Donald was able to give credibility to these ideas, without calling attention to the fact that he was. If it weren’t for the previous hundreds of Exhibits concerning Communists and company, I wouldn’t have recognized this objectivity for the performative act it is. This is really effective propaganda, especially on the target audience (17/18 year old students). After spending five PACEs calling all leftists Satanic morons, it’s clear that Donald wrote this PACE to extensively platform fascist ideas and racial theory. It’s important we document this stark difference in presentation, because it betrays the purpose of this whole curriculum. Political recruitment through indoctrination. The explicit message imparted on the student is that fascism is significantly closer to that coveted, Right-wing “mark of deity,” than communism. [Ex. 3, Ex. 118]1
Collectivism 133, Part 4 contains many examples of these derogatory opinions showing up in the text on Leftists:
We’ll conclude this post with the PACE’s introduction of the race “science” that will be cover extensively in the next installment.
Before we see how kind and considerate the PACE is to “fascist precursors,” and race science, let’s reestablish the baseline petulance with which Donald wrote about the people he didn’t like. Thankfully, there is a new example in this very PACE:
Exhibit 287
On November 24, 1859, a balding, middle-aged, self-styled naturalist, and former divinity student published a four hundred page, dull, pedantic, and downright boring tome… That volume… bore a lengthy and cumbersome title—On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life— and was authored by the fifty-year-old Charles Robert Darwin… The overall evolutionary hypothesis may be considered to be an integral part of pantheistic polytheism, which can be traced back to the Babylon of Nimrod, and ultimately to Satan himself… Charles Darwin’s actual personal scientific accomplishments were meager indeed. He had earned no degree in any science and was totally unqualified to fill the position of naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle Expedition, which enabled him to develop his theories. Darwin’s only qualification derived from the fact that he was the protoge[sic] of uniformitarian geologist Charles Lyell… The Omniscient God, speaking through the Apostle Peter, told us over 1,700 years before that men like Lyell and Darwin would in the latter days assert such pseudo-scientific theories as uniformitarianism.
Collectivism 138, page 35
As this and hundreds of previous Exhibits have shown, if the subject was someone Donald viewed as evil or distasteful, the student is left with absolutely no ambiguity about that fact. Charles Darwin was clearly a baaaad dude. He was equal parts dumb, ugly, unqualified, and evil. So, when the PACE presents these fascists and their race theories in an objective manner, the bias is explicit, especially to an impressionable student.
Let’s get to it. The PACE introduces Niccolo Machiavelli as the first “fascist precursor,” on page 8. In the land of reality, you can’t call Machiavelli a fascist for a few reasons that really aren’t worth getting into. What’s important is that Donald identifies him as a fascist, and therefore, so does the student:
Exhibit 288
Machiavellianism Niccolo Machiavelli’s political theories are set forth primarily in his The Prince and Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livy. On initial perusal of those two volumes, glaring discrepancies seem to exist, but if we view them from Machiavelli’s perspective we see otherwise. Machiavelli was primarily concerned with the unification of Italy. It was Machiavelli’s conviction that only a strong political and military leader could accomplish that end… Chapters seventeen and eighteen of The Prince present the two foundational dicta of his thesis:
(1) “It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved,” and
(2) “A prudent ruler cannot and should not observe faith when such observance is to his disadvantage.”
Those pronouncements did not, however, represent Machiavelli’s ideal, but only his analysis of objective reality. The basic depravity of human beings dictated the necessity of those statements [“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9]…
A single all-powerful despot was necessary for the founding of a healthy state, but its maintenance was best accomplished by a plurality of rulers. Thus, we may discern the major difference between The Prince and Discourses . . . ! [sic] The former was concerned with the founding and the latter with the maintenance of the Machiavellian state, and were therefore not in contradiction to one another.
Collectivism 138, page 9, 10
Machiavelli doesn’t belong in one of histories good or bad categories. This isn’t another case of the PACE whitewashing a slave-owner or something. As stated above, Machiavelli wasn’t a fascist in the way we would identify a fascist. The problem here lies in the four significant firsts that leaped off these two pages:
He advised the student to see things from Machiavelli’s point of view. That has happened exactly zero times before. Most often, the inverse has been true. Typically, the PACE will insist that whichever leftist is being discussed didn’t actually mean or believe the values they proclaimed. That, secretly, their plan to feed the poor was really a ploy to steal the souls of children for Satan.
A SOURCE WAS ACTUALLY CITED!! The Collectivism course has never, EVER cited the source material it’s quoting from in this detail before. Most of the time, whatever is being “quoted” is just Donald’s projection of the subject’s inner monologue. [Ex. 210] I often spend a lot of time just trying to find what specific book, essay, letter, or article is being referenced in a PACE. Citing the two books discussed, and the specific chapters being referenced, and then concisely contrasting the two in order to help the student see these views the way their original authored wanted them to be seen… well, that simply blew me away.
There wasn’t any information (relevant to the conversation) left out, added, or distorted to craft some alternate reality.2
Machiavelli’s belief in the “basic depravity of human beings” was backed up by a Scripture verse (Jeremiah 17:9). This explicitly tells the student that fascism has a Biblical foundation; unlike Communism, which was founded by Lucifer when he rebelled against God. [Ex. 64, Ex. 71, Ex. 72, Ex. 73. Ex. 78, etc]
Impressionable minds pick up on these stark differences, and make value judgements accordingly.
Trucking right along, we come to Johann Fichte.
For Fichte, the PACE does spend a paragraph ridiculing his metaphysical beliefs, but only because those beliefs, like Hegel’s, threaten Donald’s religion. Importantly, right after that, Fichte’s antisemitic philosophy is platformed without any derogatory editing. It’s an immediate night and day difference. Fichte’s metaphysical beliefs are “nonsensical babblings,” but his antisemitism just is what it is. Nothing “nonsensical” about racism, I guess. I’ll post pictures in the footnotes if you want to confirm for yourself.3
The introduction to his philosophy is another curiously nuanced paragraph for a guy who peddled white supremacy:
Exhibit 289
Fichteanism The philosophy of Fichte developed slowly over the years as the external stimuli of his life experiences changed. Therefore, at any one time in his life, Fichte’s “intellectual” pronouncements may not coincide with those of another period of his existence.
Collectivism 138, page 14
If a Communist hadn’t eaten in days and said, “I’m hungry,” and then ate some food and said, “I’m full,” that would be documented in the PACEs as evidence that all Communists everywhere are liars. But Fichte?
You just gotta see it from his point of view, man.
Next is Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau, and this is where things get very serious. Gobineau was one of the first white supremacists to publish extensive racial theory, and influenced many future eugenics programs and authoritarian regimes (specifically Nazis). I’ve posted a picture of his biography in the footnotes.4 It’s another even-handed introduction that lacks the signature vitriol which has accompanied every leftist’s biography. If there was any one-single person for the PACE to be derogatory towards, it should be Gobineau. Yet, he got a pass.
On the next page, the PACE discusses his racial theories. It starts with a very limp-dick attempt at a dig against Gobineau that immediately pivots into an excuse for, or a defense of, Gobineau. As if Gobineau was actually victimized by being born on third base:
Exhibit 290
Joseph Arthur, comte de Gobineau was born an aristocrat, lived an aristocrat, and died an aristocrat. The happenstance of his high-born social position greatly distorted Gobineau’s perception of the world around him… He was, furthermore, absolutely convinced that his own social class descended from an especially noble race of men. With such an elitist mindset, it is only natural that Gobineau envisioned race and racial amalgamation as the determinant factors in deciding the fate of civilizations… His Magnum Opus on that subject was his four-volume Essai sur l’inegalite des races humaines (Essay on the Inequality of Human Races)…
Collectivism 138, page 18
Magnum Opus: a great work; especially the greatest achievement of an artist or writer
That’s fucking insane… An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races is a “Magnum Opus,” but a science book (Origins of Species) that advanced the boundaries of human understanding is “a four hundred page, dull, pedantic, and downright boring tome.” Darwin’s theories can be “traced back” to “Satan himself,” but Gobineau? Well, poor guy was born an aristocrat - how can you blame him??
To give you an idea of what’s in Gobineau’s “Magnum Opus,” I read/skimmed the first ~45 pages. It’s gems like these on repeat:
" All men," say the defenders of human equality, " are furnished with similar intellectual powers, of the same nature, of the same value, of the same compass." These are not perhaps their exact words, but they certainly give the right meaning. So the brain of the Huron Indian contains in an undeveloped form an intellect which is absolutely the same as that of the Englishman or the Frenchman ! Why then, in the course of the ages, has he not invented printing or steam power ? I should be quite justified in asking our Huron why, if he is equal to our European peoples, his tribe has never produced a Caesar or a Charlemagne
No, yea, that’s a “great work” which totally isn’t meandering-about as it drones on about the superiority of white people by exploiting logical fallacies. Two thumbs up!
It’s vitally important that we recognize how much unadulterated air-time these “proto-fascist” ideologies get. I’ll post full page pictures in the footnotes,5 but this Exhibit hits the highlights. Mild trigger warning, as the N-word gets used twice in this section, in Donald’s voice:
Exhibit 291
Gobineau went on to postulate three primary races-- (1) the White race, (2) the Yellow race, and (3) the Black race… of the three foundational racial varieties, the Yellow line was superior to the Black stock, and the White race was superior to both. Within that White kindred, the Aryans were the highest and the “Germans” were the purest Aryans… In Gobinistic theory, the world had produced, throughout history, ten great civilizations, and all of them were founded by the White race, or more specifically, the Aryan branch of the White race— but only after they had conquered or partially blended with other inferior groups. The civilization of India, for example, was the result of the coalescence of Aryans (Whites) and Dravidians (Blacks)… The ancient Egyptian culture was the by-product of an intrusion of some Aryans from India (Whites) and non-Aryan natives (Blacks). The Chinese high cultural attainment stemmed from an invasion of the Hwang Ho Basin by an Aryan contingent. In each case, the degree of racial synthesis determined the level of culture reached. Egypt, asserted Gobineau, incorporated an excessive amount of Negro blood, but in Greece the union was precisely in balance… Gobineau further stated that in his own day the highest human forms were the Anglo-Saxons of England and America. However, throughout human history, the Aryans have displayed a marked afinity[sic] for superfluous race mixing, and thus all civilization was ultimately doomed. “Proof” of that statement, said Gobineau, could be found in the ever-growing admission of racial inferiors (Celts in England and Negroes and Latin Americans in the United States) in the Anglo-Saxon fabric. Gobineau’s particular “contribution” to proto-fascism as primarily the racial theories herein discussed.
Collectivism 138, page 18, 19
Just fantasize how would this section read if Gobineau postulated that Whites were inferior to anyone? Or in any way suggested that Donald was “less than”? He would be so furious!
Between all three pages on Gobineau, the PACE “quotes” him five times, and each time it’s just a single word- “Germans” [x2], “proof,” “pure,” and “contribution.” At the point where you are “quoting” a single word (that isn’t some unique terminology that the subject came up with), what are you even doing?
This is important to recognize, because when the PACE drops words like “Negro(es),” or “Negro blood,” that’s Donald speaking. Not Gobineau. Gobineau interchangeably used “Negro,” and “Black,” but that in no way gives Donald the right to do so. In fact, that obligates him to use “black,” unless he is directly quoting Gobineau. Yet, it’s Donald throwing it out there, in his voice. He is choosing to write that, and without any sort of “hey, don’t fucking use this word” disclaimer for his students. He didn’t even throw up his usual fake “air quotes” around the word - the mask is unapologetically off.
Nothing in this section would indicate to the student that Gobineau was out of his mind, an agent of Satan, morally corrupt, physically ugly, or even empirically wrong. Not one fucking thing. It was worth pointing out that Darwin WAS BALDING IN HIS MIDDLE-AGE, but there’s no mention that half of Gobineau’s face was forehead:
His fucking mustache is smiling while the rest of his face is concentrating on a poop. He even has a pubic landing-strip on his chin. Instead, the PACE used the N-word more times than it was derogatory to Gobineau and his philosophy combined. That is so flagrantly insane that it’s topped off my motivation to expose and destroy this fucking company.
Before we conclude, here are some more examples of the PACE’s editorializing on Communists:
This Godless “liberal” education produced in Weishaupt one of the most incredibly evil personalities the world has ever seen. [Ex. 149]
The semi-theological ramblings of Georg W. F. Hegel, which have come down to us as Hegelian philosophy, are but a confusing hodge-podge of obvious contradictions. [Ex. 177]
Hegel’s philosophy was based upon the absurd supposition that fundamental reality was some nebulous entity which he labeled the “Absolute Idea.” [Ex. 178]
Rasputin’s person was disgustingly unclean and his long fingernails were encrusted with dirt. His beard and shoulder-length hair were tangled, greasy, and impregnated with filth. Due to that lack of personal hygiene, Rasputin quite naturally emanated a foul odor. [Ex. 229]
Throughout 1912, Mao drifted from one activity to another. He momentarily attended several different types of schools and abortively began the study of a number of subjects. However, he accomplished little or nothing during that period, because he spent the major portion of his time reading revolutionary dissertations… [Ex. 251]
Mao Tse-tung, lost and Hell-bound Communist and mortal god, died on September 9, 1976… [Ex. 252]
Absolutely no ambiguity.
In the next installment, we’ll cover the following 15 pages, which make the case that Gobineau’s racial theory (White > Yellow > Black) wasn’t wrong, the poor guy just used the wrong words. This is all an exercise in teaching ACE students how to peddle racist disinformation in a Biblical fashion. Much of this section is just a conversation that Donald has with himself, which plays out in the same way he argued for euthanizing homosexuals. It’s insane.
Thanks for reading!
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Exhibit 3a
The substance of Truth, Ideals, Perfection, and Absolutes is on the RIGHT. The Left is the furthest extreme from that basic element. Evil in Scripture does not have a substance; it is a departure from that substance or an absence of that good. Righteousness is an absolute expressing God's character, measuring the mark of deity…
He is explicitly discussing the political Left/Right.
There is a chance that Machiavelli wrote The Prince as satire, making fun of the nobility. Though, that isn’t a detail that discredits or changes the PACE’s presentation.
The pink and purple on page 14 is where the derogatory rhetoric begins and ends. By the time you get to the bottom of page 14, the petulance tapers off and the ostensibly objective education on antisemitic race theory begins:
Exhibit 292
Collectivism 138, page 14, 15
Donald too conceptualized equality “in such a way as not to interfere” with the “natural order.” [Ex. 141] Quite often in fact
Exhibit 293
Collectivism 138, page 17
Exhibit 294
Collectivism 138, page 18, 19
Imagine using the Bible to justify your race science and missing the part where it says:
9. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10. but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11. For God does not show favoritism. (Romans 9-11)
It's almost as if it's easy to bend the book to make it say whatever you want it to...
i can't confirm it, but i can see this being one of the PACEs that convinced my school to drop it - considering it was being used in a 99% Black school in Detroit!