Collectivism 138, Part 3: Teaching 12th Grade Students How to Peddle Race Science and Zionism
Written 1981, Revised 2014
Hello there, and welcome back to Safe White Space!
This is Part 3 of my review for Collectivism 138, a PACE in the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum (ACE). All of these Packets of Accelerated Christian Education were written by one fascist goon named Donald Howard. If you don’t know what PACEs are, and need context for the scope of these reviews, check out Collectivism 133, Part 1 posted below:
Collectivism 133, Part 1: Lucifer, the Son with Morning Wood
Previously in this PACE, we read Donald Howard’s version of fascism, and contrasted that to actual fascism. We determined that the discrepancy was part of an intentional effort to obfuscate the overlap between textbook fascism and the ideologies set forth in the PACEs. If the student can’t identify fascism, they won’t recognize the similarities between the Christian Nationalism they’re subscribed to, and Nazism, for example. We then reinforced this premise when we examined the PACE’s presentation of three “philosophical precursors to modern fascism,” and contrasted them with their Communist counterparts. We found that, by objectively and extensively platforming fascism and racial theory, Donald was able to lend credibility to these ideas, without explicitly saying so to his students. We left off with Donald’s contextually positive introduction to Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau and his racial theory, which states that “Whites” are superior to “Yellows” who are better than “Blacks.”
In this post, we’re going to pick up right where we left off and cover pages 20-34. The purpose of this section is to teach students how to peddle Gobineau’s racial theory with dog-whistles. It likewise pushes Zionism, and makes it clear which skin colors received the “Curse of Ham.” Much of this section reads like a back and forth conversation that Donald is having with himself, and it plays out like the time he convinced himself that euthanizing homosexuals would honor God:
Off the top, this is a sensitive topic for many people, for many different reasons. I want to make it clear that there are a million things to say about the content we’re about to work through, and I can’t possibly comment on it all without writing a novel. So, if anyone wants to have a discussion about it, feels I need to include or clarify anything, or whatever the case may be, please let me know. For example, this section excessively abuses Scripture to make Gobineau’s racial theory Biblical, but I’m not going to spend much time correcting most of these instances. Essentially, Donald is going to corroborate Gobineau’s racial hierarchy (Whites > Yellows > Blacks) in a myriad of ways, but primarily by exploiting Genesis chapters 9 and 10, which were used by American and English slave traders to justify their brutality. [1, 2, 3] If you’ve ever heard of the “curse of Ham,” that’s this, with a twist. Even in it’s base form, this theory is so divorced from reality that there is nothing to do except reject it out of hand. Somehow, in his own way, Donald manages to make it even more absurd than usual.
This PACE really exemplifies what skin color Donald pictured himself writing to.
Donald kicks off this section by obfuscating the definition of racism. As with fascism, if the student doesn’t know specifically what racism is, they can’t detect it when it’s physically under their nose:
Exhibit 295
Although ALL aspects of fascism are based on erroneous predications, the above discussion of Gobinistic race-theory—totally foundational to fascist thought—is so blatantly fallacious as to justify a detailed refutation. Two primary fallacies are inherent in (1) Gobinism, (2) fascism, and indeed (3) much of modern thinking vis-a-vis “race”:
(1) The ungrounded hierarchical classification of so-called human races, and
(2) The spurious identification of those so-called human races.
Both are equally untrue FROM GOD’S POINT OF VIEW! Racism is an unreasoning reaction to the observable dissimilarities within the human family. There are, of course, discernable[sic] differences throughout the species homo sapiens. Any one human being is not necessarily the full equal, on the individual level, of any other person, but there is absolutely no validity to the claim that one “race” is either superior OR inferior to the other human races.
Collectivism 138, page 20
If something is “so blatantly fallacious,” than it absolutely does not “justify a detailed refutation.” That is a logical fallacy, especially in an educational setting.
Arguing against the “hierarchical classification” of races on the basis that it is “ungrounded” is a foreshadowing of what’s to come. What does ‘grounded’ look like? Same with his definition of racism. If “racism is an unreasoning reaction” to “observable dissimilarities,” than there must be reasonable reactions. By claiming that racism is “unreasoning,” while at the same time creating space for discrimination on “the individual level,” you can sneak your bigotries in through the backdoor. There’s a perfect example in Donald’s manifesto, Rebirth of Our Nation (1979). In it, he claimed that the United States’ Founding Fathers were justified in maintaining slavery and the 3/5ths rule, because slaves needed “that salvation experience,” to be “made equal in the sight of God. That fact influenced the political thinking of the nation’s leaders in regard to… the individual worth of man.” [Ex. 190] Just like those trans-Atlantic slavers.
One of the most recurring themes in his manifestos is this idea that groups of people are blessed or cursed by God as a whole based on the sum total character of the folks that comprised the group. No external factors need be considered. [Ex. 118, 188, 189] (In Donald’s mind) Blacks as a whole were inferior because they were, on the individual level, not saved. This is how Donald wanted his students to mask their racism. Word games. By recasting discrimination in a Biblical light, it wasn’t their skin color that made them ‘less than’ - it was their lack of faith. It’s not Donald’s fault that all these lost people just so happened to be black. Not to apply too much reality to this pigshit, but Blacks in North America had been converting to Christianity for over 100 years by the time of the Founding Fathers. It’s almost like it had nothing to do with their religion after all…
For the next three pages, words don’t mean anything. I have wasted so many hours trying to explain what Donald is getting at, what message(s) the student receives, and writing my own “detailed refutation” of both. Then I took my own advice. Finally! Because this next bit is so “blatantly fallacious” that it, in fact, doesn’t require a “detailed refutation.”
In this Exhibit, Donald continues to break his back trying to say ‘racism bad,’ while also making sure the student understands that there is a Biblical and moral basis for discrimination. The rest of this is just a racist making noise:
Exhibit 296
Every human shares a single original progenitor in Adam, the federal head of the human race.
The totality of present day humanity furthermore shares a single progenitor in Noah.
In God’s eyes, there are only two legitimate methods of diving mankind:
(1) Nationally;
(A) Israel (The Covenant (Nation) [sic]
(B) The “Gentiles” (all other nations)
(2) Spiritually;
(A) The saved
(B) The lost
There is a heresy today which asserts that God is the Father of all mankind and that all men are brothers. In that God created the entire human species, the above is true; but in reality, all personages are NOT brothers, and God is NOT the Father of all individuals! All lost people are brothers and all saved folks are brothers, but the lost AND the saved are not brothers! All homo sapiens are born into the family of Adam.
By virtue of Adam’s fall, all enter in the family of Satan.
By accepting Christ as Saviour, we are adopted into
(1) The family of Abraham (the first division)
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:29)
(2) The family of God (the second division)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ . . . . (Romans 8:17)…
God, however, chose the children of Israel not on the basis of their spiritual, mental, or racial merit, but because of His sovereignty.
Mankind is correctly divided on the basis of God’s sovereignty (Israel and Gentiles) and/or in regard to their personal eternal destiny (the saved and the lost). Neither is due to individual works or intrinsic worth. No basis for racism exists. Each of the unsaved is equally lost and totally separated from God—hence of no particular value to Him. All of the saved, on the other hand, are bought by the most priceless commodity in the world—the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Surely all men purchased at so great a a cost are of equal value in the sight of Almighty God—regardless of “race”!
Collectivism 138, page 21, 22, 23
I almost screamed the first time I read “and/or” in that last paragraph. Like, what the fuck do you mean “and/or”?? YOU’RE THE FUCKING TEACHER! Three pages of making this case using unambiguous, absolutist language, and now you hedge? All this from a guy who signed his manifestos with Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” God, I’m pissed. Further, the spiritual category negates the entire premise of the national division, but we’ll circle back to this.
Not for nothing, but nowhere does the Bible state that anyone is of any “particular value to Him.” Not in this context, anyway. Donald is purely projecting the content of his character here, and it’s putrid. What a disgusting person. This is particularly dangerous messaging because it gives the ACE student permission to likewise treat non-Christians as if they’re worthless. Makes it reeeeeeally easy to justify owning slaves if these humans have no value to God, or yourself. If God doesn’t give a shit about them, why should you?
So, there’s no basis for racism, but, hear me out guys.
What if there is?
Exhibit 297
Collectivism 138, page 22
If we didn’t have the next 12 pages to work with, I would think this list was the product of another careless instance where Donald lost himself while trying to impress college kids at a bar.
Cutting to the chase, Donald wanted his students to read this list as White > Off-White > Everyone else, and he’s going to teach them how. Zionism is, at the end of the day, a white supremacy movement. However, I don’t think that most students would consciously processes this list that way, at this point in the PACE. That will change as things become more explicit. To pick up this double-speak right away, students would (most likely) need other Zionist influences, outside of their school setting. There are, however, very specific skin colors that the vast majority of white ACE students already associate with Jews and Arabs. Add to that, they are learning this in what they view as a textbook, and that this hierarchy is “in God’s eyes.” Many many racist brain worms just burrowed their way into the student’s skull, in a very short amount of time.
We now have three Biblical precedents with which to practice discrimination. Spiritually, nationally, and racially. It’s time to let that marinate a minute. Here Donald takes the time to corroborate Gobineau’s racial theory (White/Black/Yellow), by giving it scientific credibility, and then Biblical legitimacy. Take special notice of the fact that all of these hierarchies are listed in a top-down, numerical order. Putting my cart before the horse, the soon-to-be mentioned “Japethic” race is white… so… yea:
Exhibit 298
Ancient and modern “scholars” have divided the human species into anywhere from three to six “races” (see chart 6). The most common anthropological designations are as follows:
(1) Caucasoid,
(2) Mongoloid
(3) Negroid
with an additional two or three more “races” or “subraces” of an unclassifiable nature (the Aborigines of Australia and Ainus of northern Japan for example). Joseph Arthur, comte de Gobineau’s catalogue of the White, Yellow, and Black races essentially corresponds to the Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid system. Even though the Bible is not a textbook on science, it is always correct in it’s scientific statements. In the tenth chapter of Genesis, God provides us with what is called the “Table of Nations” and which sets forth another three-fold division of man. Whether those three classifications represent three “true” races is in itself debatable… Since we believe in the absolute infallibility of the Bible, we must accept that the “Table of Nations” is both accurate and complete. In other words, it must be possible to account for ALL ancient and modern postdiluvian ethno-linguistic groups, no matter how diverse, among the descendants of the sons of Noah. If that is so, the “scientific” tabulations of (1) Caucasoid, (2) Mongoloid, (3) Negroid are incorrect and the proper designations are:
(1) Japhetic (The sons of Japheth)
(2) Semitic (The sons of Shem)
(3) Hamitic (The sons of Ham)
Collectivism 138, page 25
Still, none of Gobineau’s actual racial theory has been mentioned or debunked. It’s not the racial theory that’s wrong, it’s just the labels that Gobineau got wrong.
I’m usually uncomfortable with accusations or claims of a psychological nature, like “priming,” but that’s exactly what Donald is trying to do (I’ll further substantiate this claim in the next post). There is a reason Donald chose to rank these races in the same top-down, numerical order as he did Gobineau’s list, science’s, and his own “in God’s eyes” list:
(1) Whites (1) Jews (1) Caucasoid (1) Japhetic
(2) Yellows (2) Arabs (2) Mongoloid (2) Semitic
(3) Blacks (3) Gentiles (3) Negroid 3) Hamitic
It’s vital we recognize that Donald previously claimed that there are only “two legitimate ways” of dividing man, “Nationally” and “Spiritually.” So, when he tells the student that the Bible “sets forth ANOTHER THREE-FOLD DIVISION of man,” the jig is up. The only other Biblical three-fold division conveyed to the student was Donald’s own Jews > Arabs > Gentiles. Even if they don’t yet recognize that list as White > Off-white > everyone else, they certainly will, as the skin colors of Noah’s sons are about to be of paramount importance.
Reviewing the aforementioned chart 6, you’ll notice that there are nine racial hierarchies, all of which move from left to right, in descending order, based on the theoretician. That’s key, because the “Bible” source at the top isn’t actually the Biblical ordering. It’s Donald’s:
Exhibit 299
Collectivism 138, page 24
In the Bible, all the verses that order the brothers read, “Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” Genesis 5:32, Genesis 6:10, Genesis 7:13, Genesis 9:18, Genesis 10:1. That means Donald reordered every brother on his own, in order to map them onto the other ranking structures. Particularly his own.
You may have noticed that he has been “air-quoting” the word race and racial throughout this section. He’s teaching his students to replace “race” with something like “shared lineage” or “patrilineal bloodline,” or “Biblical heritage.” They are learning how to speak the language of the oppressor, and some of them might not even know it.
By creating hierarchies based on which brother you’re related to, and then assigning a skin color to the descendants of each on the back end, you get to keep your mask on. Similar to his take on maintaining slavery. It’s not “racist” if you’re instead using words like ‘Hamitic lineage,’ to justify claiming that all black people are criminals and slave worthy. It’s not their skin color, it’s their ‘Biblical heritage.’ Those ‘patrilineal bloodlines’ just so happen to correspond to certain skin colors, all thanks to God’s sovereignty.
What are you gonna do, disagree with God?
This racial ordering is further reinforced with follow up questions, and is still “air-quoting” the word race:
Exhibit 300
(23) If we are to believe in the infallibility of Scripture, we must accept the “Table of Nations” as both (a) ____________ and (b) _________
[Answer: accurate and complete]
(24) Name the three “races” of man:
(a) _________ (b) _________ (c)_________
[Answer: Japhetic, Semitic, Hamitic]
Collectivism 138, page 27
Rephrased as “what are the actual “races” of man,” Question 24 is asked a second time in the Check-up, and third time on the Self-Test. To the students, it’s no longer a question whether or not these are the true races of mankind, but they’re aware they shouldn’t say “races” out loud.
The last thing for Donald to do is really harp on what skin colors these descendants of Noah come in. This section shifts slightly from providing legitimacy to Gobineau’s racial theory, to reinforcing Donald’s own Jews (Whites) > Arabs (Off-White) > Gentiles (Everyone else). The PACE starts by explaining that the number one race, the Japhetic race, is white. They’re described as beginning the Aryan blood line, as well as settling in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus mountain region, and sections of Turkey, with a few descendants drifting into parts of Asia. To the observant student, this would reinforce aspects of Gobineau’s theory, particularly that “the Chinese high cultural attainment stemmed from an invasion of the Hwang Ho Basin by an Aryan contingent.” [Ex. 291] The PACE emphasizes that Japheth’s line also gave us Ashkenazi Jews.
The PACE uses this map to summarize it’s write up:
Exhibit 301
Collectivism 138, page 29
To be clear, beyond my own curiosity for the truth, I don’t give one fuck how accurate this is. Accuracy means nothing here, because it’s all about impressing upon the student that Japhetic descendants are synonymous with Whites/ white Jews/Caucasoids. In other words, they own the coveted number one spot “in God’s eyes.”
The “sons of Shem” are described as being Arabian and Mediterranean, settling around Turkey, north Africa, Palestine, and the near East. The PACE clarifies that the line of Shem gave the world the “Bible and the Messiah,” and Islam through Ishmael. The line of Shem corresponds perfectly with Donald’s “Arabs,” which clarifies the “Jews” Donald imagined when he ranked them higher than “Arabs.” Which Jews are superior? Oh, just the white European ones? Cool…
Here’s the PACE’s visual summary of Shem’s line:
Exhibit 302
Collectivism 138, page 31
At this point, there are two tiny discrepancies in the four racial hierarchies presented. On the secular side, “Yellows” and “Mongoloids” occupy the middle tier, and “Blacks” and “Negroids” are at the bottom. Meanwhile, on the (ostensibly) religious side, the second tier is owned by the “Arabs” and the off-white lineage of Shem, while “Gentiles” and the lineage of Ham are relegated to the bottom. The next three pages are intended to synthesize these four hierarchies.
Enter, Donald’s twist on the curse of Ham narrative.
Typically, this story is kept really simple. Easier to avoid plot-holes that way. Ham was cursed, so his descendants (particularly Canaan’s line) were cursed, therefore, black people are destined to be gangsters. It’s stupid simple, but effective on morons. However, I believe this particular version of the narrative is original Donald content, as it has all the tell-tale signatures. It rambles on as he squirrels back and forth between data-points that have no connective tissue, all of which begin or end with something like, “it may be true that,” or “some have suggested” or “the same might be conjectured…” Twenty-two times, to be exact. No acknowledgement of the fact that he is the one suggesting or conjecturing these ideas. It further relies on absurd and unspecified associations, like “Similar cranial characteristics,” or linguistic habits. This is all phrenology adjacent. I’ll post pictures of this whole section in the footnotes,1 but don’t bother getting bogged down in the minutia just yet.
As it turns out, Gobineau’s only real mistake was placing “Yellows” above their Biblical station. This Exhibit includes the use of “Negro” and “Negroid” in Donald’s voice2:
Exhibit 303
If the above conclusions are true… the Hittite Empire probably had trade relations with their Sinae relatives… When Hittite civilization collapsed, it would be most natural for the sons of Heth to flee to the land of the sons of Sin. Thus it can be seen that the Mongoloid peoples, instead of being a separate “race,” are a branch of the Hamitic stock. Scientists have long recognized the ethno-linguistic relationship between the Mongoloids and the Amerinds (so called American Indians). One final remark is needed to bind all the above statements together. An extremely high percentage of Oriental (Mongoloid) babies briefly exhibit a bluish pigmented area on the lower back or buttocks. That curious discoloration, which eventually fades away, has been called the “Mongolian spot.” The equally high frequency occurrence of the “Mongolian Spot” among Amerind infants has helped establish the definite link between those two arms of human family. Oddly enough, scientists rarely tell us that the “Mongolian Spot” also appears quite often among (1) Negro (Negroid) babies, (2) certain other dark-skinned peoples, and (3) those in some Mediterranean countries. In other words, the appearance of the so-called “Mongolian Spot” corroborates the division — not into Gobineau’s White, Yellow, Black or modern anthropology’s Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid but into the Biblical designations of Japhetic, Semitic, Hamitic!
Collectivism 138, page 33
Classic Donald. “IF the above conclusions are true.” Like, at least fucking pretend you know! It’s just so stupid that the only truth we get here is his admission that all of this might just be pigshit. You’re at the finish line, just keep up the facade you stupid fucking racist clown.
After all that, this whoooole theory still then has to be bound together by the most ridiculous fun fact of all, the “Mongolian Spot.” And holy shit, this detail gets obliterated with a simple google search. The scientific term for the “Mongolian Spot” is “Congenital dermal melanocytosis,” but that isn’t racially obvious enough. When he writes, “Oddly enough, scientists rarely tell us…,” the implication is that the secular world is involved in some sort of conspiracy to reject the Table of Nations and subvert the Bible’s patrilineal racial divisions. The truth is, no one anywhere would deny that black children are often born with the “Mongolian spot.” Unfortunately for Donald, by his reasoning, white people are also descendants of Ham. Per WebMD: “On average, only about 10% of Caucasian infants have Mongolian blue spots. Blue spots are found in about 50% of Latinos, and 90% to 100% of Asian and African populations.” Any other source will corroborate this fact. Again, no amount of reality can fix this “education,” because it’s all about the narrative, and the feeling of superiority the white student is suppose to experience. Facts be damned.
A few final thoughts.
I often forget, at this point in my write-up, that Donald’s original stated goal was to give a “detailed refutation” of something “so blatantly fallacious.” I imagine that most students have forgotten that at this point, too. All we’ve received is corroboration. It’s easy to forget, even for me, that this content isn’t intended for us adults. This is targeted at white students who exist primarily in white environments, who are sitting alone in a cubicle and drinking Donald’s stream-of-consciousness from a fire hose, which is being presented to them as Christian education. These kids are working on this PACE before their frontal lobe has finished developing (sometimes referred to as the “rational” part of the brain). They’re very impressionable young people who are trying to learn their place in the world, and here’s this man of God offering (the white students) Biblical precedents for their personal supremacy. Even if the student recognized this racist messaging and rejected it, there is no room for push-back within the ACE culture. ACE rules explicitly state that it’s not the student’s place to question authority figures. Parents in many schools are required to sign agreements that they will believe the monitor over the student in case of a dispute. That dynamic is enforce with violence in the ACE system, so kids become very good at fitting square pegs into round holes.
Speaking from experience…
I know mental gymnastics were involved, but I don’t remember all the specifics of how I processed this section 12 years ago. I did, however, recognize the code switching and (to my shame) took this on within the framework of a “white man’s burden” mentality that I’d picked up doing the PACEs for 13 years. And, of course, living in a Rush Limbaugh house. Certainly, I don’t believe this message manifested itself in every white student the exact same way, but the Zionism is inescapable. Any student that comes away from this section believing that any part of what they just read is true is significantly worse off than when they started.
So is everyone else, to be honest.
On the side, it always makes me giggle a little when people say that military service pushes you to the right, when it was the Navy that nuked my conscious bigotries. You really can’t work next to racial minorities, women, and LGBT+ folks for long without shedding your biases like a snake skin. Thank God I didn’t stay in that fundamentalist environment after high school. I might still be a pig.
Writing today’s post has taken so long, and been so exhausting. I’ve cut thousands of words in an effort to streamline this post as much as possible, so if there’s anything you feel needs to be addressed or clarified, let me know and I’ll do my best to include your input. After a post this long, it’s hard for me to estimate where you as the reader are. I promise the next post will be significantly lighter and shorter. I believe it will conclude our Collectivism review, but I might be getting ahead of myself.
Thank you all for reading, and wading through the pigshit with me.
Given today’s content, this verse slaps.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Highlighted in pink are most of the hedging qualifiers:
Exhibit 304
Collectivism 138, page 31, 32, 33
Again, I don’t care how false this message is in the land of reality. There is nothing you or I could benefit by deep-diving and correcting this section. The purpose of this narrative can’t be fixed by adding any amount of truth to the situation. What’s important is recognizing that this page encapsulates this entire curriculum. It’s not about education, or even about Christianity. All of that is secondary to the narrative that’s being sold. Expendable, even.
Let’s pretend like using “Negro” in an educational booklet, even back in 1981, was totally fine and not just a racist being racist. This PACE was revised in 2014. That’s TWO-THOUSAND-FOURTEEN, and they went ‘hmm, looks right.’ Fucking wild.
It's always fun coming to your posts to once again remember and be filled with anger and frustration. *Insert "He can't keep getting away with it" meme*
As always thank you for what you do, for shedding light on this. Also thank you for including the pictures from the PACEs.
i feel like it’s extra damning and disgusting that he is presenting this information in the context of a pace that is meant to be teaching kids political theory, instead of, say, a history pace (not that this shit should be taught at all). it frames these hierarchies within the context of the modern day, as if they matter when it comes to legislation and policy. it indirectly emphasizes the whole idea of the government being “authority ordained by god” and suggests any systemically racist or oppressive legislation is also god ordained